Primalists swipe node 'avatar of stone' not working

the node states ‘+3 to totem melee and spell damage’ whenever you use swipe and hit an enemy, and it stacks until the totems disappear. so at lvl 14 I was able to hit a boss 10 times before it disappeared. However, the thorn totem dmg stayed a consistent average of 25 per hit.

you know it’s not working because at that level, a +30 dmg would be extremely noticeable. but the average dps stays exactly the same.

Thank you for the report, unfortunately we did not manage to reproduce your current situation.
Can you provide more details, like your skill tree, player log and, if possible, a short video of the problem?

I have also encountered this issue. The node did provide the buff at first but after a short while it stopped working. I have tried removing the points and leveling it again, despecializing the skill and making a new character but none of that helped. Swipe no longer seems to provide that buff.

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