Potential Solution for the Auto-Collecting Shards Issue

I only play this game on a controller, to loot shards I need to switch to mouse/keyboard EVERY time, when I started this game I had to loot every shard one by one, I just stopped picking up the basic ones as I had looted them enough times I wont ever need more than 2300 Fire Resist shards

Then they added in group pickup, everything became much easier. I just loot shards from a boss/loot explosion/chest at the end of a monolith, if you play enough you know that for every 20-30 rare shards you find from shattering gear you may find ONE on the floor which isnt worth your time to even use mental processing on it.

I checked last night and I have nearly 45k shards in total

The point is, for me this is fine already good enough and finally on Tuesday when the new patch releases I can loot shards without using my mouse anymore

Its a huge buff for me


It seems to me that you have it backward about what the question here is. Clearly, a ton of us DO want this feature. I don’t see the staying power of this game if this isn’t added at some point before, or shortly after, launch.

The arguments against it are very weak and I proposed the way to bridge the gap between its strongest argument against (dev desire to give weight to loot) and how players actually play these games (time and efficiency are important, and you undermine this at your own risk).

The reason I say all this is because the itemization in this game is actually nothing special outside of a few build-defining/enabling affixes or uniques. Giving players chores doesn’t change this. It was one of my first observations about half way through the campaign on my first character and nothing since then has given me reason to think otherwise. In fact, the upcoming idol changes will exaggerate this in a tiny way because it favors generic stats over interesting ones.

So I have to disagree with your analysis here: A solution here is not only relevant, but is necessary.

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Whoa whoa whoa…whoa. You worked on Neverwinter Nights 2?

I think you overestimate the importance of issues you care about.


Yes, if you look closely at my name you will figure out one of the titles :smiley: Hint: in the language, it comes from the J is silent.

Storm of Zehir! Oh shit, gimme your fucking autograph!!! Lol, that’s a hell of a title to have on your resume. Lost many hours of my life in those games.


Congrats you win a forum :cookie:

I’m not saying we shouldn’t argue or debate over a solution.

A moot point is:

  1. An issue that is subject to, or open for, discussion or debate, to which no satisfactory answer is found; originally, one to be definitively determined by an assembly of the people.

  2. An issue regarded as potentially debatable, but no longer practically applicable. Although the idea may still be worth debating and exploring academically, and such discussion may be useful for addressing similar issues in the future, the idea has been rendered irrelevant for the present issue.

I am not opposed to auto-pickup of shards. I’m all for it. I’m just saying that ultimately, the decision lies in the hands of the developers.

Until the devs either say “Yes” or “No” to auto-pickup for shards, all discussions on the issue are, at their core, theoretical. If they say “yes”, then the solution becomes debatable. If they say “no” then all the solutions become irrelevant.

This is such a weird thing to keep arguing about.

I repeat: This is the Suggestion forum. Expecting people not to suggest solutions to problems they see is bananas.


This is a false premise. Devs can be wrong. When they are, the issue needs to be pushed more often and more loudly by the players in order for them to see when that’s the case.

Trying to dismiss the topic this way, however, can be seen as derailing, so I would kindly thank you to desist.

What happens when you’re wrong?


Tagging this post cause it actually matters. Option menu tick box would be cool so we could have choice, but taking the vacuum away would make things harder for many more than it would benefit.

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Nothing. The game moves on to be successful like PoE rather than dead like Wolcen. There’s no consequence to the devs to have a player be wrong about something. But when the devs are wrong, it’s the inverse.

Which would you rather see?

So it would be dead with no auto pickup of shards? Like Wolcen?

I see.

On the back of only this issue? Probably not. On the back of many issues like this that goes the same way? Assuredly.

The important part of this is the recognition that sometimes there’s a marked difference between what the devs are trying to do and what it actually accomplishes, then you factor in how players actually engage with the game. These things need to be in harmony. When they aren’t, games feel bad to play and devs struggle to keep their players.

You’re right :slight_smile:

To be clear, and I’ve said this before, I’m not opposed to the proposal you present here. But it does feel like you’re consumed with the idea of how critical it is to push this idea through when faced with differing viewpoints. It does make it harder to stand on your side if I am not already standing there to begin with.


On most issues I make a genuine effort to see the other perspectives–and I have sincerely considered the other proposals made in this thread–the core issue that keeps coming up is that those other proposals fail to address the heart of the problem here. The closest one I’ve seen is to have the loot filter make those shards stand out. I think that one would do well to serve the developer’s desires to add weight to them as loot. I think you’ll still have people not wanting to be burdened with the extra chores involved with looting them and moving them into the forge box, but maybe that can be a different debate. However, that extra hassle does come across as pointless and slows the game down in a negative way–makes it more boring, more tedious, easier to walk away and find something else to play.

I think it’s important for people to consider that loot isn’t exciting solely for having appeared on the ground. If it’s the same mundane stuff you see all the time that you either hard pass or always collect, it’s only about as exciting as a small pile of gold dropping and gets a similar level of mental energy–which is to say, next to none.

– Slight rabiit hole for a minute…

Something else I’ve been thinking about lately is something Mike said in one of the dev streams. They talked about wanting the game to not be as “zoom zoom” as other ARPGs. I’ve heard a number of devs talk about this from various titles. Mike’s reasons seemed mostly to stem from the concern of party cohesion in multiplayer, while devs for PoE dislike the how it widens the disparity among players due to its economy. I find this really strange, though, because it seems to be the dominant preference for players–I would even say it’s a huge part of PoE’s success, despite the devs’ resistance to it. It’s certainly one of the things that keeps me coming back.

I bring this up because I acknowledge the concerns about the “slippery slope” toward a speed meta that such QoL features nudge toward. However, I don’t believe this feature would be responsible for that kind of thing happening. In fact, if you look up some of the build videos for this game, you will see it as one of the selling points for most of the popular builds. It’s players that drive this. I think games that play into this (in a healthy way) are at a significant advantage over games that resist it.

What do you think about that issue?

I think the devs should at least consider what type of value the shards, glyphs, and runes have. Are these three items a resource or an item?

If they are a resource then they should be treated just like gold and be auto-collected, or single click vacuum then sorted into the forge. Resources collected in this manner are bound to the account or character depending on play mode.
If they are considered an item then they should be selectable due to getting into dupe issues like zaodon was explaining earlier. These items become a part of the economy and should be tradeable.
The different controllers and extra steps that they have to go through should be reduced. Players should not have an unfair disadvantage due to either disability or preference.

There have to be trade-offs between QoL and the devs manifesto, finding a solid compromise is probably what the community would accept.

These options are dependent on how the code is structured, time investment, and other factors that we the playing base may not be aware of.


It was in the sincere spirit of trying to manage these various factors that I originally came up with the OP rather than a blanket “vacuum all the things” solution I have seen suggested so often before. It’s a balancing act.

Yeah, ok. I want to apologise for my above comment as it doesn’t add anything valuable and was kind of provocative.

You made a lot of good and reasonable arguments here. And like @Jerle I’m not arguing on the topic as I don’t have a strong opinion in that.

It’s just that you’ve presented yourself as the only person that can see in a group of blind people.

“Loud” doesn’t automatically mean “right”.

This isn’t the first time this topic came up. Also there seems to be not only consent on the topic. So you push your arguments in good faith for the future of LE, but so do others that disagree with you.

For the devs it’s important to acknowledge the importance of this topic. They did as Judd made clear some days ago.

You present this as facts. I just quoted points I have an opinion because of my past experience with games you compare. I disagree with all the mentioned points above. In my opinion LE does it right by not doing skill respec like D3, pacing like PoE,l and while I like the Wolcen dodge roll I’d argue that it is better than “any movement skill” in LE

You can create a thread for all these different topics and get the same kind of answeres as you got in here. It’s not obviously good or bad just because you think it is.

Cheers! :v: