Potential Monolith Modifers

There has been a lot of talk recently about how the monolith modifier pool is small, not that engaging, and overly painful. I wish the monsters had a base scaling similar to arena that then had interesting modifiers on top. I was wondering what modifiers the community could come up with that would be fun and interesting! Lets hear your ideas!

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Love this thread idea! here is a few ideas I would like to see that would change how I would play the game make me think on what negative I really can play around.

Enemies fire Extra projectiles.

Enemies leave behind damage trail when they move

spires hit multiple locations at same time

Player does 50% increased Damage close to target, but 50% Decreased when further away (vice versa for 2 different modifiers)

Monolith bosses does X element of damage instead of its original damage. (ex. lagon waves are fire instead of cold)

monoliths spawns only rare enemies but chest drops 1 unique guaranteed

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Thanks for posting this, @Mcmagic!

We’ll be keeping an eye on the community’s suggestions. Ideas are always welcome. :eyes:


… of rare or very rare rarity (ie, not “common” uniques).

Mobs have a % chance to split (an identical mob is spawned but the HP from the original mob is shared evenly between both, a mob can only be split once).

% damage taken from gold instead of hp/ward (somewhere between 10 & 100 gold per point of damage you can only “loose” a fixed % of the gold you started the monolith with).

Mana costs are halved/Cooldowns are doubled (& vice versa).


… of rare or very rare rarity (ie, not “common” uniques). (llama8 reply)

I agree with that. it sucks to do all that work to get something like an arboreal circuit!

I like the idea of damage conversions so like “enemies that deal fire damage now deal lightning damage” etc for the different damage types

And i know this is kind of already done based on which monolith you are in but “beast monsters are more likely to spawn” or wengari or what have you.

“Rare enemies have an aura that does xxx” with things like the bubble, or nearby enemies apply dots. basically can take a lot of the current Rare monster affixes and make them more likely to be spawned

What about influences for example?

Necrotic influence: Enemys ressurect after beeing killed an go bezerk. Berzerk increase dmg done by 100%, movment speed by 100% but automaticly reduce 5% of max HP per second because of rot.

Fire influence: When enemys die they shoot out seeking flames that follow the player and do dmg on hit and make them burn.

Cold: Enemys leave behind patches of cold that presist thoroughout the level. If you step on said patches you move twice as fast but you are unable to attack.

Poison: Enemys smell equaly bad as Primalists and have an PbAoE that stacks poison on the player and does dmg. If the player keeps it range they spit poison vomit equal to @Llama8 post count on the player.

Physical: Spiky enemys reflect dmg… Enemys dualwield all melee dmg x2…

Void: A void infested area follows the player if he catched or stepped on the player will be swallowed by it and devourerd… game over. If you do the next void timeline you encounter a void altered you who trys to spank you arround.

Lightning: Enemys are loaded and arrks of lightning jump between them and from them to the player ouchy… if the player keeps it’s range they overload and deal X ammount of dmg in a big lightning they channel on the player.

I think stuff like this is funny as monolith modifiers, something that alters the gameplay by a bit.


modifiers, like the ones suggested above, that increases the chance to roll a certain blessing after beating the boss. with around 13 blessings per timeline this encourages players to a) get lucky with the modifiers in a row and b) most likely to stack more modifiers than needed to spawn the boss encounter -> higher risk = higher reward.

i think their must be either a randomizer that decides the blessing chances for each modifier (two random blessing chances per modifier) or EHG decides which modifiers can lead to the buffs (also two blessing chances per modifier to make it more likely to stack them).

I think giving “options” in the 1st and 2nd quest echo to the player to slightly alter the outcome of the 3 rolled blessigns would be cool.

This could be only a thing after you completed the timeline already and/or you already unlocked all paths from tha timeline.

So now the quest echoes serve a different purpose -> slightly more deterministic blessings pool to choose.

but not without incrreasing the min. number of echoes conquered to spawn the boss. there must be some challenge :triumph:

That’s not necessarily challenging, it’ll mainly be annoying. If the choices taken in the first 2 quest echoes had an impact on the damage/health/etc of the boss fight (or a % more modifier to the timeline modifiers, kinda like the empowered “buff”), that would be different.

but afaik there is scaling for every echo conquered, which also would effect the modifiers choosen by players, and also the ‘50% more damage and health’ mod from empowered timelines.
at least it was pre-0.8.1. the scaling-tab for monolith is currently not available on tunklab.
i just want to say that there should be a trade-off more than time investement, if target-farming blessings becomes a thing.

No, there isn’t scaling per echo conquered, other than the mods you choose stacking & building up as you go further & the modifiers last longer. Unless you mean that modifiers “deeper” into the monolith have bigger numbers compared to “earlier” modifiers.

I guess it comes down to how more specific the target farming is compared to the additional tile you have to spend to get to the boss.