Portal MTX not applying to Monolith of Fate Portal!

So with the release of MTX we got portals as one of the first possible MTX’s with many more things like skill vfx, weapons models etc still to come.

But having Portal MTX not apply to the Portal inside Monolith of Fate, when you finish the echo objective is a missed opportunity.
We already see portals waaaay less in LE compared to Path of Exile and them not applying in your main endgame activity seems weird.

Both the portal that opens for the party when the host enters en echo and the portal after finishing the objective should always be the skin from the Host.


Seems like more a bug or oversight than intended gameplay.

There’s a zero-percent chance this was done intentionally lol. I imagine given time it will be fixed.

I believe there’s a thread on this already.

And that wasn’t the one I was thinking of…

I didn’t even look up the bug report section lol, I just searched in the feedback section for it :smiley:

Neither did I, I just did a search.

Since we’re in the feedback section if they’re going to fix/address this I think there should still be a way to tell the blue and green portals apart when they’re MTX’d.

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And that’s probably why the green one isn’t getting the MTX applied to it (hopefully at the moment).

I meanthat would be some explanation, but not something they devs can work around.

My main issue with the current way is just, that we don’t really see portals a lot in LE.
And not having this be present in your main endgame activity is just a waste.

Now that I think about it there should probably be separate slots for the two portals in the apparance menu so you can put different (or same if you wish) MTX for it.
Behold my paint skills, this is an image of a portal, totally not a capital O.


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