Poison per stack on the player having increased damage after receiving the resonance of the sea blessing

i use aura of decay, so i am use to haveing 3 stacks of poison on my character at all times, i was use to haveing like 22- 27 damage per tick on my character, but now the same 3 stacks of poison hits me for around 55-70. i dont know if this bug applies to all damage over time effects, but it was to my understanding that these never change and had flat values. this damage only increases when i am in a monolith, i can go back to town and portal back to the scaled area to start a new run, but the damage goes back down in the 22 range. i never had this problem prier to picking up the “resonance of the sea blessing”. now the poison damage per instance of poison on my character is higher only in monolith content, i can go back to campain and it will go back down as well. i only noticed this because, for my reaper build i was using ward per second to mitigate my poison degen from aura of decay, an thought it was strange to get hit harder per stack of poison even though i never gained more stacks of poison from aura of decay. i dont know if this is the same with bleed stacks and it could be affecting all instances of damage per second ailments on the player character. this is repeat able it happens every monolith, but i have not tested takeing off the blessing yet. i dont get hit with alot of damage per second instances but i can imagine 20 damage more or so per stack can effect game play alot.

Stop using Aura of decay, problem solved :stuck_out_tongue:
This is a known issue, all instance of poison damage also increases the self-poison from Aura of Decay.
We are investigating a solution for this

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