Please fix the Lagon fight! Necro skeleton issue!

*Necro-summon skeletons / mages (dk)*broken

As title says - Please fix the Lagon fight, Is it so broken. The pathing isn’t there at all for Melee skeletons / Death knights. They just run around
as headless chickens or just sanding there doing nothing. Totally braindead.

For a crucial fight like this I expect it to work with any specc, not just ranged.
Please, pay attention to this!!! It has been a known issue for a long time from what I can tell by googling the issue.

Ofcourse the game is still in beta stage, but I feel like this problem needs to be fixed rather soon! Feel like lagons hit box just needs to be a bit bigger ?!

This is a known issue, we’re tracking this internally!

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