Please change the Z hot key to an uncommon one

Is it possible to default the hot key for hiding ground items ( Z ) to other more uncommon ones?
eg: ctrl + alt + del.

Many new players will ask why the items on the ground can not be picked up (usually see the light column of unique items but can not pick up).

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Today agree. It’s on the list.


I hope you still agree tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue:


As an avid gamer new to LE, one of the first things I did was re-map my hotkeys. I’m pretty sure I saw this as one of the mappable functions.

I’m not terribly fond of Z being the default, but if it can be remapped, I don’t think it’s a huge issue.

I’m much more bothered by “J” not brining up a quest log like the key maps say it should :rofl:

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