Plans for the future of The Last Epoch

I’ve been poking around trying to answer my own question and couldn’t find anything to satisfy me.

I’m just wondering if Eleventh Hour Games has released any intentions about further development, be it expansions, or raising the level cap and releasing more content as an update, etc.

If this has already been announced, fill me in please. If not, maybe we could get a dev comment.


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They’re also very vocal in their discord. Also do a weekly dev stream on Twitch. Often guest on industry podcasts. Etc.

Thanks that’s what I was trying to find.

And it’s good news on top of that, sounds like more content isn’t too far off. That’s great

Eleventh Hour, thanks for a great game


they have work to do first… the game its full of bugs, terrible optimization and crash over and over in party. The last 7gb update aruin the optimization even more.

Yeah my experience when in a party is there’s server disconnects. Solo is fine

In a past stream Mike mentioned 2 more end game loops are in the works and whatever else the future brings with cycle content.

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