--Downtime Concluded-- Planned Downtime- 8am-10cst Wendesday Febuary 14th

Edit: Servers Now Up

Announcement posted in discord, expect it wont get posted here, as the posts about server stress tests didn’t either.

So planned downtime will be happening tomorrow (February 14th) from 8am-10am CST, as part of their preparation to get servers ready for launch. So the game wont be available then. (though if you login on offline, it should be?)


Will offline progress be saved If I am playing at this time or will it get lost (just progressing a few chars before 1.0).

It’s possibly saved, but I wouldn’t risk it and just stop playing a little before. Better to lose 10 minutes than a few hours :wink:

Offline mode requires handshake with online server at the moment. We cant log in to Offline right now :stuck_out_tongue: this should be fixed on release tho. (feels so silly atm but glad true offline is coming soon!)

Thanks for posting this, not everyone uses Discord.

Find it crazy they dont post important information like this on the games forums, stupid to think everyone will want to be on discord.


:hot_face:Will offline progress be saved If I am playing at this time or will it get lost

Why can my friend still play? and I can’t

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Would be nice to have 30min warning displaying on the game.

P.S.: thank you very much for the good work you guys are putting on, really appreciate the professionalism behind the company.

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Servers UP! hf!