Patch 0.7.8 Completely Overhauls the Stash

As long as its not Wolcen years.

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I see the new meta: Sorting stuff!

  • People posting screenshots of how they organise their gear
  • People making guides how to arrange things to be most effective.



Uber-Devs ! :heart:

But at least with Bethesda years you get 16 times the detail!

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Patch 0.7.8c stash build for 10+ characters accounts. Yeah be one of me first uploads


The new upcoming stash looks awesome.

I really welcome this change to stash, as I am a hoarder. My stash is full of unique items, set items and idols. Currently having to use characters I am not playing as mauls for overflow.


some great video ideas right there :stuck_out_tongue:


Dropping in to say this is more than I could have ever hoped for! As an item hoarder that loves to organize, this is going to be amazing for me, and will also give me more room to try out new builds without creating mules to hold my nice items!


Can we get a keybind to rotate between stash tabs too? Like ctrl + mousewheel move left and right through our tabs?

Looking good !!

it’s awesome!!!

Looking forward to the updates.

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