Orobyss Fight Bug

I tried grabbing a screenshot but it didn’t save for some reason. Anyway I was in the middle of an Orobyss fight and right before the end of it, the majority of the map went totally black. I could see my character, and orobyss, some skills and area effects were still visible but the blacked out ground made it so I couldn’t damage Orobyss and Orobyss couldn’t damage me. Also couldn’t pick up potions when I walked over them.

Were you using Sigil of Hope?

Yep. Hasn’t happened anywhere else but that Shade fight. Highkey terrifying against Orobyss LUL

It’s unrelated to the Shade of Orobyss, it’s a bug related to Sigils of Hope. We patched a fix to this specific bug which we were hoping to solve this problem, seems to be back.

Can you show me a screenshot of your skill tree of Sigils of Hope?



Let me know if this happens again or anything wonky you were doing to make it happen.

Can you also send me your passive tree?

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