Optimizations are always welcome

Hi I’m loving playing Last Epoch. I have over 4,000 hours of Path of Exile and 2,000 hours of Grim Dawn. I’m also a Diablo, Wolcen player and I’m always playing ARPG games.

I’m comfortable believing that the Last Epoch developers know what they’re doing and are concerned about optimizing their game. A very strong criticism that everyone makes of Path of Exile is that the game is very poorly optimized. The sound, items and bodies on the floor make any computer have an fps below 30. The problem is known to everyone and until today nothing has been done to improve it.

Eleventh Hour Games, when you hear of an optimization problem please try to solve it. Optimizations are always welcome, not everyone has high-end computers. Last Epoch has grown a lot in the last few months and I hope it gets better and better, you have our support.

Plenty of optimization work is still to come! Our main engine dev that works on optimization was busy last patch on multiplayer server-side optimization efforts but is mostly back on the client side of things now.


You know you need a super dedicated team of elite server-killers to help test those optimisations.

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That is called DDoS and it’s forbidden in most countries. :stuck_out_tongue:

:wink: :wink:

Scribble scribble Scribble

You’re going to love how we spell colour and armour this side of the pond.

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