On Unique level requirement

So, Ravenous Void dropped for me on random mob and it has LvL 91 requirement? Really? I mean sure it is powerful defensively but, it really dampened the happiness of getting it to drop because I need another heavy grind to level. By the time I reached that level, I have the feeling that I am already done with the character since I have seen 99% of the content and the rest is just the infinite scaling difficulty.

RV glove is more of an optional defensive items, but personally I hope this is not becoming a trend for build-defining unique.

I don’t remember other ARPG having equipments gated by both rarity and very high level requirement. I vaguely recall PoE and diablo lvl requirement for uniques to be at most 70-80ish. I fondly recall Starforge dropping and able to equip it rightaway.

Also, having unique at high level requirements are just unfriendly for building alts.

I agree build-enabling uniques should preferably not be gated by level. But for optional endgame powerful uniques, I think high level requirements and rarity are really good ways to balance power level of an unique. Definitely preferably to giving the items affix downside.

For my own unique creations, I would probably push for this same way to balance the power level of my items.

This is the first time I see this double gating in ARPG so I can’t say if it is a good thing or not.

It is optional and I think is the only one with 90+ lvl req so it is currently not a major issue, but my current opinion is if we are able to reliably target farm this gloves multiple times in high corruption empowered, we don’t need the gloves anyway for that build. An alt that can reached lvl 90+ without it does not need the gloves too for high corruption.

Other targeted empowered drop are great because they define build and can be used on alt (still need relatively high level), but this glove, I don’t know what is the major motivation to farm it. Perhaps for collection/nicetohave or pushing corruption for bragging rights, but that is a very small subset of player’s motivation.

Like orian and omnis are also powerful rare unique without drawbacks but their lvl requirements are at 70ish.

Doesn’t this happen a massive amount in PoE, and a lot of the really good items in Grim Dawn have low drop chance from difficult bosses. Not to mention the rarity of some uniques in D2. This (gating strong items behind rarity & character level requirements) feels kinda normal to me.

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I meant gating at very high level requirement(near max). POE’s level gating is 70-80 max. Granted, they also have stat requirement, but normally those stats are also attainable at the same level range and more of a class gating mechanic. I haven’t played GD in a long time but I dont remember their level gating being near max too.

Some example of famous endgame uniques in Poe
Headhunter 40
Shavronnes wrapping 62
Starforge 67
Kaom’s heart 68
Eternity shroud 65

The max level sets/uniques are lvl 91 in Grim Dawn.

Huh, I stand corrected then on GD. I still don’t favor the gating design.

EDIT: I just have a thought that if a 90+ endgame content is introduced (rather than just a superficial infinite scaling damage/hp difficulty), then it might make more sense to have near max lvl cap items. Hopefully, that is the case once GAAS system is in.

It was even lvl 94 and pretty much the only thing about GD i didn’t like

sorry for being too pedantic but those gloves can’t drop from a ‘random mob’. It is a monolith boss only drop.

That is incorrect, they are a very rare random drop and you can somewhat target farm them with the right corruption on the right MoF boss.

Then lastepochtools.com item db is wrong on that item? Search - Last Epoch Item Database
I’ve always thought that if an item can drop from a MoF boss it can’t drop from any other place (mob or chest ) in game.

Every MoF boss has 4 exclusive drops, 2 normal, 1 which can drop on normal but scales with item rarity and one empowered only that also scales with item rarity.

Ravenous Gloves is the first Item of it’s rarity and drop table.
It got officially confirmed by the patch notes in 0.8.3c that it is supposed to be a random and boss target drop:

But also by the creator of that Item on his reveal livestream.

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Specifically on Ravenous Void, there are 2 lines on thelastepochtools for it on the bottom of the item desc. Rare from empowered boss and extremely rare from any mob

Thanks for the information I didn’t know that

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