Number of active skills

I disagree. I like the choices that you need to make within 5 skill slots. I think it promotes build diversity.


I was a huge player of Guild Wars 1 one of my favorite parts was having to think about the limited amount of skills I can place on my bar. In doing this, my toon could be one thing one second and a completely different person the next.

Maybe a template system that allows us to switch builds on the fly would be cool. But the limited skills really do allow you to think things through. Templates would allow situation awareness and would allow for being able to switch for situations on the fly and that might be alright.

To add: This could be a really cool end game mechanic perhaps. You earn something like guardian points starting at level X that allow you to earn points (skill points of sorts) that can be used in these templates.

Agreed 7 slots feels acceptable to me. 5 feels too restrictive to me personally.

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I’ve tried to find similar topic, I’m sure it exists, but I just couldn’t do that :blush:. So lets continue here.

I’m pretty sure that 5 skills is ok, because …

  • it’s enough to make player actively involved to the process - action. With current 4-10 sec skill cooldowns (and one base attack skill) player is able / must perform an action every 0.8-2.5 sec (in average). Even using all / most of them in combos makes that time increased to 3-8 sec, which is not to big in my opinion. Though I think there IS one problem with the necessity of such time management and comboing for a player, as the game is not very challenging sometimes. But I think it’s a problem of polishing enemy mechanics and separated game parts - not skills.
  • it’s enough to create decent amount of combinations - builds. But yes, I must admit that there are not so many “base” skills - 1-2 for each build. But still it’s a problem skills’ overall diversity and their amount.
  • it’s enough to make every combination unique enough. Well… not enough sometimes. But the argument is the same as previous.

But what I actually agree with is that there are to many passives. In fact, I don’t like complete passives at all. That’s why I suggested active part for Summon Bear and Fire Shield (before TP-tree was implemented :slight_smile: ). Companions’ actives are already implemented. Fire Shield rework is also in developers’ mind.

I mean, if there will be no complete passives, their amount won’t be a problem, I think.

Totally agree. But it’s not a problem of skill amount on the panel… again :blush: .

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Hello, for me too 5 skill is the perfect balance.
I love to have to choose between skill and really create a build.
In HnS where there is no limit, we go with movement skill-> 1point obligation!
etc in grim dawn you finish with 2 skill bar of ten skill, with passive, one point for devotion,…
That’s too much.
I really like the way one skill specialisation with 2-3 support skill like in diablo 2

You have choose, more active if you like that 5 skill to piono is enough.
Or make the choose to get only 1 main active, one secondary active and passive to buff them.
Take or not a movement skill because a crusial choise and have to get in the fondation of the build, and not justy one obligation to farm efficiency.

I really like the way it is. Please keep goiong

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