Not a fun experience

Once you clear the campaign and get into monoliths you can start farming up the keys to skip parts of the campaign. Though those dungeons are rather difficult for whatever it says their level is.

It shows the devs want us to be able to skip the campaign. but there are currently several issues with it.

Really tired of this concept of having to play through a campaign to do anything.
Any old monster hunter game you can jump right into the gathering hub and start ranking up.

I tried the Lightless Arbor skip on my falconer when I got to it in the campaign and got my ass handed to me. I didn’t have enough health to survive even one mistake on the trash.

Do the campaign skips give the skill points and idol slots though? Or at least open the teleports to move around and do side quests? Otherwise it seems a little pointless.


I’m not entirely sure. I had to grab all my idol / passive quests after the final dungeon, but I skipped the other dungeons. So I’m not sure how it works. But you’re 100% right its kind of pointless and saves you a little time but still forces you to get waypoints again.

Maybe I did something incorrectly because I can’t fathom why it would behave this way.

Yes, I also found it pointless as it saves minimum time as you still need to get the wps. As this is still new, i would assume we can expect something changed in the future to help with that.

You can go into Monolith as soon as you reach End of Times (~lvl 16).

Also if you do all relevant side quests you have unlocked all passives and idols slots by the end of Chapter 7.

No need to do Chapter 8 and 9


bye… may I have your gold?

Damm they were the days , EQ bout "99 ?
Story is about just right for me & I love alts, sure it’s the same old every time but loot kicks in & then it’s just fun.

nope, not for me. Didn’t played EQ, started with DAoC, MMO or RPG wise, a loooong time ago, something around 2000 maybe? This gold thing is a thing in WoW as well when someone wants to quit :slight_smile:

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You may want to upvote other feedback requests, as you are not alone in the desire to skip the campaign. Voting for this change will help EHG see if making such a change would be valuable for them and their game. I made a post on this which I will link below but there are others too.

There is already a dungeon skip for most of the campaign. Mike has already said they want to balance the dungeons for lower level characters and that they wanted to add alternative ways of getting idols/passives quests.
There’s really no need to upvote anything. It will come when they have time.

Until then, you can simply do monos as early as level 25ish, depending on the build. Once you level up, just power through the campaign for the quests. Or ask for a lift to Maj’elka. I believe you can do most of those there.

Well having played other ARPGS this is a well rounded mix of easy things and difficult things and lots of RNG. I would say maybe OP did not pick a strong build or followed any build guides.

I do Lightless dungeon at lvl 20 - then get 18 levels and at 38 imo any build/class can grind Monoliths up to 50+. Then I do Temporal dungeon and in 10 mins or so you are in Bazaar / Merchant Guild zone.

This way you get all passive points and idols.

Unfortunately the last remaining dungeon is needed to unlock Arena on alts - that makes no sense and should be changed.

Skips are there if you hate it

There is a point in upvoting as that is how EHG creates priority for tasks.

The current dungeon options are, frankly, poorly implemented. A cool idea but poor execution. You dont have to agree.

After all this time and all the constant threads people open about it, I’m sure they have the priority pretty well established by now. Half a dozen votes aren’t likely to change it.
It will come when it will come.

Leveling an alt is so much faster if you use the alternate dungeon route. You’ll be 65+ by the end of Temporal Sanctum and ready for monoliths. The route is a little clunky cause you have to unlock Temporal/Soulfire after you finish Lightless otherwise it’s a pain to run back.

I’m not a fan of having to go back and hit quests for passives/idols but otherwise I am very pleased with the leveling experience the alt dungeon progression provides.

I have three alts and neither of them have done more than chapter 3 in the storyline.

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When you finish the Temporal Sanctum (last dungeon in the process) you will be at the Radiant Dunes waypoint. Head to Majelka and do a few of the side quests to pick up the missing bonus points and idol slots.

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I love this is how peole handle their gaming experiences nowadays…get bored after ten hours and then “I’m uninstalling the game”

Instead of complaining about it, what would it take for you to stay playing LE??? Offer solutions or suggestions instead of just relying on posting a inane negative post hoping for people to agree with you…

All you do for the campaign is just run from checkpoint to checkpoint and then there’s the dungeons skip method too…so where is the roadblock for you? again, how do you envision playing the game that makes it fun?

I personally find this game to be challenging me constantly…reworking my items, my strats, tweaking my build as I get into harder content, reevaluating my gameplay…just constantly testing new stuff, I love it; it has its issues but 'tis the world we live.

So what are some suggestions that would make your gameplay enough so you give more than one hour instead of acting like a reality tv personality “I’m so over this, I’m unisntalling this game”

Thanks! I struggled in Soulfire Bastion because one pull with both fire and necrotic would kill me. My minions weren’t very considerate of my need to pull thoughtfully.

However, I blasted from level 32 to 46 on two failed attempts. I did a few quests and wandered off into early monos because I was frustrated. It’s super helpful to know Majelka is where I have to go for the side quests. I can probably do TS now.

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Boomer dad gaming.