This morning, I thought I’d jump back into my minion build. In doing so, I noticed that one of the passives in the necro tree was reworked, and only 1 point was required (previously I had 2 points, since each point gave an additional skeleton, but it’s now capped at one skeleton == one point is all I want to spend here).
I jumped over to the ability buddy (my accountabilibuddy) and refunded one of those two points. Unlike any time I’ve done this previously however, I was not refunded a point to spend elsewhere - I was simply reduced from 72 points in my tree to 71.
It’s just a single point so I guess no big deal, but the min/maxer in me is pretty sad about this. I can grab screenshots if it would help, though I’m not sure there’s much to show now that the bug is behind me.
If there’s a way to grab game logs when no bug / crash presents, I’d love to know how so I can help provide those in the future (or perhaps find them from my session earlier today?).