No alignment between settings panel and game effects

I am writing to report an anomaly at the game level. As mentioned in the object, I noticed a certain misalignment between the settings set in the settings panel and what actually happens in the game. For example the white flash on the stricked enemies (i have clearly disabled this effect through the settings panel but it continues to be there and it is very annoying to see).

Is this only happening for the white hit flash? Or are there other settings that are having issues?

Hi HybritLyte, thanks for considering my problem, really appreciate. Actually im having the issue only with the flash on hit. I will try other settings too and ill give you a feedback.

Hi @HybridLyte, I don’t know if it was intended in this way on purpose but I noticed that at login I have to select the filter to use (at each login, it seems the filter is not saved at logout). For the rest I have not evinced other problems related to the “gameplay” or “Graphics” panel. I will let you know if I find other related problems. Big thanks again and warm regards.

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