New subclasses

Are we ever going to get Warlock, Runemaster, and the other rogue spec, I haven’t touched the game since you made an announcement they would come with multiplayer launch, yet I don’t see anything mentionned anymore about them, game is stalled, polilishing is great but game feels empty, redundant and lacking of option to create and play character most classes have 1 S tier build, literally no content creator are interested anymore due to the repetitiveness of the endgame monoliths.

I have about 200-300 hours if not more on the game and 20 of those were in the last year because frankly, Game is literally the same but you can now play online and throught chapter 2-3 without you CPU/GPU frying to void areas in the early game.

You are about to get drowned by D4 and PoE2, better release some actual content soon or you’ll end up just like GrimDawn, Torchlight and all other ARPG’s that were released in the past 5years, under 1k players and forgotten.


I don’t recall them saying the 3 missing masteries would be released with the MP patch. But currently the masteries won’t be implemented until the game releases in full. So 1.0.

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They never said that they will come with MP launch.

They will come with 1.0


No, they never said that, they’ve always said (once they said anything about it) that they would come with 1.0.

Nobody cares, people can play multiple games.

GD was released in 2016 & Torchlight in 2009. They were also both primarily SP games.


except they did say that, yall just the 3 usual fanboys that reply to everything, its fine if you love the game, also nobody cares about GD and TL lol, if you want a mediocre game, with untested subclasses why even bother do a 3 years beta test, there as been no updates since mp launched, fair to say devs are also playing other games and theirs is not their priority. [redacted]

I’m sorry for not being clear enough in our communication. Runemaster, Warlock and Falconer were never planned to be released alongside multiplayer. They are a very high priority feature and currently, several of us are purely focused on Runemaster development.