New Empowered monoliths no option. Original 3 are ok

So straight to the point

I have already tried looking for answers and solutions but all I am seeing is half answers and nothing concrete.

I am a returning player after some time off and was impressed with the new changes, only there is one issue. Whilst I did complete the 3 latest timelines, I am unable to empower any of the timeslines except for the 3 original timelines that could be empowered before the latest patches.

Is this a bug? will this be fixed? Would pretty much give up on the game if i had to replay my character considering it is level 97 and was trying to do all end game content trying to reach lvl 100. (197.6 KB)

So for clarification. The toon you were on now half completed the monolith timelines before the major monolith update, you successfully just completed the last 3 and unable to empower?

When you go to the other monolith timelines does it give you an option to pick between empowered and non-empowered?

Thats correct. I can select between normal and empowered for the black sun, fall of the outcasts and ending the storm.
Selecting any of the others seems to just continue the monolith timeline with branches cleared (even if I have completed all 3 quests for the given timeline.)

But you cannot select empowered on any other timeline?

Correct. Its as if the timeline was not completed and just carries on with branches and nodes unlocked done upon completing the 3rd quest of that given timeline. (153.5 KB)
See example from screenshot attached

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