Hey there! 
First thing I’d like to say is: don’t pay too close attention to build guides, especially to the damage/ward/whatever numbers they give. Not only are those builds optimized (in the sense that they have very high-end, often unrealistic gear), they also like to inflate their numbers to draw more clicks.
With that being said, let’s look at your build!
First, that’s a nice Battlemage’s Endeavor you got! That sword is really nice, a bit underrated in my opinion. With attack speed and lightning damage on it, that can work really well. Though if you want to try a different setup for a similar gameplay, you could look into Dragorath’s Claw - Frost Claw (the spell) can be specialized to have a 30% chance to be triggered on melee hit, and that dagger can then trigger Lightning Blast when Frost Claw crits.
Frost Claw’s tree also has quite a few interesting things in it, like lightning conversion, ward generation, quite a lot of base crit chance to pump its damage up and trigger Lightning Blast more often, as well as a node that removes the explosion at the target location, but allows multiple projectiles to hit the same target, which means more crits to trigger Lightning Blast (and more Spark Charges if you get chance to apply some through my next point).
Dragorath’s Claw is also a one-handed dagger, which means that 1. it will give you some flat crit chance (though you could get that on a “legendarized” Battlemage’s Endeavor too), and 2. it leaves your off-hand open. This means you can equip a one-handed sword with it (which can have flat spell damage as a prefix!), or Fragment of the Enigma, which will 1. give all your hits a chance to apply a Spark Charge (including Lightning Blast and Frost Claw, the latter working especially well with the “shotgun” node I mentioned in the last point), and 2. massively buff the Spark Charges applied by Mana Strike (which there are a lot of - 100% chance from its skill tree, up to 25% per 4x1 idol you have with the relevant mod, and 25% from the Storm Blade passive from the Spellblade tree).
I personally run the Claw with a Fragment on a build of mine, and it works wonders. That being said, I’m sure you can make the build work with your sword.
Now let’s take a closer look at your passive tree:
In the Mage tree:
- Arcane Current’s lightning is nice, but has a 5 second cooldown, which sadly doesn’t make it that useful in my opinion. It’s still nice to have, but I feel like the points might be better spent somewhere else.
In the Spellblade tree:
- Crackling Aura, and the two nodes leading up to it, are probably not helping you much, since you don’t have any other Fire Aura generation methods, and don’t scale lightning damage over time.
- Shattered Aegis is great, but since you don’t have a lot of armor, additional points after the first one don’t give you much. I would personally only invest one point in it.
- Prismatic Blade can be interesting, since all your increased lightning damage and Enchant Weapon buff Mana Strike’s direct damage, but once more, I think the damage from the node is not impactful enough for your build to be worth the points.
With the points that would save you, you can consider investing in the Runemaster tree, which has a lot of cool things for you. For instance:
- Sphere of Protection - Health, and a near-constant “less damage taken”.
- Runeword: Cataclysm - If you play crit (which would be easy with Dragorath’s Claw, but is still feasible with your sword), that can be a lot of damage.
- Transcendence / Mental Catalysis - Very strong defensive stats.
- Edict of the Scion - Extremely strong with Mana Strike, which is an area skill.
Now about your skills:
In general, I feel like Flame Ward (which can be converted to lightning) is an extremely valuable defensive skill on most mage builds, arguably especially Spellblades. In fact, since you’re scaling spell damage, you can even invest some points in the retaliation nodes - those that increase the damage of the retaliation, and make it localized on the enemy that attacks you. It may sound like a meme to invest in those instead of more ward, but I’ve used them on literally every mage build I’ve ever played that scaled spells, and being able to delete entire packs of mobs, both in your melee or shooting you, is incredibly strong.
Also, if you decide to try playing with Dragorath’s Claw, you would need to specialize Frost Claw as well.
In order to make space for those, here’s what you could consider de-specializing:
Enchant Weapon is nice if you want to scale your melee damage as well as your spell damage, but your spells will have more than enough damage by themselves to get the job done. Personally, I would consider removing Enchant Weapon, especially if it means getting Flame Ward instead.
Static can be nice for some extra, automatic damage, but, as someone who’s brought a similar Spellblade build to high levels some years ago, it ended up not doing that much work for the specialization slot it used. Though if you want to keep playing with it, you could consider using one (or more) idols with the “static charges generated per second” mod, which will help compensate the fact that you’ll spend charges passively by zapping enemies even without attacking.
Now for the skills you’re using and that I would keep:
- As far as I know, Lightning Blast cannot chain without the Arcing Power node, which can only chain on direct casts. So all the chain nodes will not be of use to you.
- For Mana Strike, nodes on the tree also benefit Mana Arc, so investing in Mana Spark / Celestial Precision can be very strong. You can also make Mana Strike a “ranged” attack (in quotation marks because it still counts as melee) with the Teleporting Strikes / Star Guide nodes. Using these nodes made my own iterations of this build feel a lot safer, and I can’t recommend it enough.
To make room for those nodes, I would personally drop the Transfusion / Mind Warden / Ward Strikes nodes. You will already generate a lot of ward from your Spellblade (and possibly Runemaster) passives.
And, since that would mean generating more mana, you can also refund one/two points from Essence of Control.
- For Surge, if you drop Static, that frees you a lot of points. I personally enjoy the Longstrider (travel distance) node. You can also try Shielding Advance / Stagnant, and see how you like those.
About your items: they could overall use some upgrades, but I’m sure you’ll find those in time. Keep in mind health is still important, even as a Spellblade; and one stat that I found surprisingly useful on mages in stun avoidance. When I got into empowered monoliths, I found that I was getting stunned pretty easily, and getting stun avoidance on one/two items made me feel a lot safer and more mobile.
Keep in mind that “mana spent gained as ward” doesn’t help you much, since you don’t spend that much mana overall.
Also, getting crit “resistance” is crucial - either through “crit avoidance”, or through “reduced bonus damage taken from crits”.
If you do decide to go crit, that you can get “% increased crit chance” as a prefix on many items, which will be very valuable. The same goes for crit multiplier, but I’d prioritize getting as close to 100% crit chance as possible. Though if you want to go crit, I would consider trying to get a weapon with flat crit chance on it (like a rare dagger / Dragorath’s Claw), but it can probably be made to work without it, though maybe not to the same extent. One thing that can help with scaling crit chance, especially without a dagger, is Peak of the Mountain, which is fairly easy to get with LP too.
For idols, not much to say, apart from the fact that you definitely have the right idea with the “chance to apply a spark charge on melee hit” one - if you can get two, that’ll be a pretty sizeable upgrade.
Alright, end of wall of text.
I’ll try to swing by here if you have more questions. Have a nice day!