My suggestion for the New Monolith dilemma

Like many others, posting on the subject I too have been caught in what I’d describe as an “unfulfilling loop” with my high level Last Epoch characters, that involves a long unchallenging and unrewarding lead up of monoliths to a punishing boss fight.

7.9 has taken what I considered the answer to PoE’s unforgiving end game, and turned it into an analogue of PoE’s unforgiving end game.

My Idea for a solution:

Keep the bosses as hard as they are.

Put the monoliths back to being scaled to player level so that my 22-34 monoliths required to run up to the boss fight drop stuff that might actually have a chance to improve my character.

This way we don’t turn this into a Diablo 3 waffle stomp by dumbing down the bosses, and make the repeated lead up to the fight more fulfilling and proactive.

I think this solution is better than:

Trivializing the boss by making him easier.
Trivializing the monolith by placing a way point in front of the boss

I really like this idea. I’ll make 50 runs to Rahyah without complaint if I know those 50 runs can help me beat him. Also, it doesn’t make the monoliths harder for characters who match the level of the monolith boss.

Right now I feel trapped.

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I am really open for any kind of suggestions, because the current system does have quite a few points that alot of people don’t like.

But making MoF scale to your character again is not the right solutions IMO.

That was one of the very good changes, where you could feel meanigfull progression. I did quite a big of MoF with my lvl 50~ish character that just finished the story. And i did like the sense of progression. You had true milestones you could work upon and beat them if you couldn’t on the first few tries.

Next patch will already contain some more changes already confirmed by @Mox

Let’s see how this turns out and give futher feedback upon that.

Just to make clear. i am not against further tweaks and iterations of the new MoF system, but the non-scaling content is the single best thing about the new system for me.

I hadn’t seen this.

Thanks for the reply.

This is good news.

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Keep the bosses as hard as they are.

I don’t agree with this point. I don’t think 1shot mechanics should be in the game, period. The game in its current iteration is completely unplayable in its current form for hardcore players, I feel bad for any die hard hardcore players that come to this game because they are completely and utterly doomed to die reguardless of how well they play, how good they build their character or how well they craft and prepare their gear for the content. They are playing entropy based death system in which eventually, they misstep around a corner into a siege golem or against a boss and get hit by one ability (for example Rahyeh, in which u have about 0.25sec time to react to some of his moves) and eventually, even if they do have god-like reflexes, they WILL get tagged by something and it WILL be a 1shot and they will die.

I’m actually a hardcore player myself and while I have multiple 90’s alive in hardcore, I see absolutely no point in playing hardcore right now because I know I will eventually run into an unwinnable situation and just fall over.

The boss situation as it stands is this; I come up against Rahyeh with 600 void prot, I get one shot and die. I gear up ALOT and bring my void protection to 1900, and when I do that same fight, I noticed being late to dodge by 0.25sec and getting hit by 1 ability leaves me with a sliver of life.

This tells me that it does not matter how good your gear is in these fights against these bosses. Even if I had 4x T5 perfectly manicured gear in every slot, I would still be getting 1-shot by alot of these bosses reguardless. This does not seem right to me.


They just need to tweak the frequency and timing of alot of boss abilities, especially on the one you mentioned, Rahyeh, they need to adjust the window you can actually react to and sometimes bosses to multiple skills in a row that you need to dodge.

I actually play a build with 2 movement skills(transplant and reap) and i already try to forcefully not use any movement skill other for boss mechanic and still sometimes i run out of movement abilities, even with the few seconds cooldown they have.

All those boss abilities just need to made a little bit more fair, to actually react.

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Me too, lunge and smite. Both need targets, and unfortunately the only target in this fight is Rahyah.

I’d like to see a checkpoint at the last quest echo before the boss fight. This way you do not need to run through the complete process from the scratch.

I like the new “enemies level” not scaling to player level. Yes, you don’t get that much xp when you go through. But this problem with you being overleveled for the content is only because there was no character wipe before releasing this new system.

I see an issue with the following:

I am in level range of the area, lvl 71 with lvl 68 enemies. I walk through near 30 echoes flawlessly. I get oneshot at the boss, not knowing his abilities.

This is day 1 for me. No time (also no incentive) to try again from scratch.

Next day I sleepwalk my way to the boss again. I know his first ability, can dodge it and die to the second ability. Quit the game session for the 2and day.

Do I really want to repeat this a third time? I don’t know, actually.

This way I could level my character to max level without making any progress on the content, if enemy level would scale.

All this reveals another issue with the current character progress:

Your character level does not matter.

You get not advantage in out leveling the content. So it’s useless to take all that arena keys you get with all these numerous fail attempts on the bosses to level 10 levels more and have a better chances against a mono boss. He will oneshot me at lvl 71 and also at lvl 81. There are no badass passive skills that give me an advantage. My skills are at max damage or max defensive level already. The only thing that would help is better gear. And even if I would find the mother of all weapons that would enable me to beat the shit out of a boss, the boss damage reduction / hp increase mechanic would kick in and prevent me from having any advantage.

Actually the bossfights don’t respect my character progression. They only depend on player skill and ignore everything else. I can only beat them with practice. But the practice is gated behind hours of grind.

In other games I would skip this, do other content to level and get better gear and ready myself for the next approach.

But here I just have to dodge 100% of the bosses attacks to not get oneshot. If I could try this 3-5 times in a row, I might get better. But having to completely start from scratch - even if I would level up during my way back - takes away all my motivation.

You learn best by repeating things. But the current system doesn’t let me.

Maybe all the hardcore players are on cloud no. 7 actually because they can sink all there time into this and try all day long.

But for me this system is too hardcore.

Maybe it’s intended and there will be more casual endgame systems. But I really would like to believe that at some point, when I invested 100 hours into the gear of my toon, I would be able to do that content. Just like it seems, this isn’t the case because the boss mechanics rely on player skills 95%.

I don’t like oneshot mechanics. Give me a chance to make a comeback in a fight.


I’m getting a very strong sense of deja vu here. Almost as though this was posted in a different thread then here…

It’s very odd that the bosses don’t seem to reflect the level disparity, but given the “quest” nature of the monolith now, I think you should get knocked back to the previous quest echo instead of having to restart from scratch.

I think that death penalty made sense when monoliths were just slogging through random timelines, but doesnt make sense now.

Can you imagine if that happened in the campaign? Dieing to a boss reset your campaign progress to the beginning of the campaign (& wiped your portals)? Apart from HC, obviously.

I think I’ll go make a new thread with my awesome new idea/argument.


Thanks for the bump.

I posted this idea originally as the 117th (I counted) reply on a thread in General chat. Seeing the thread was in “General” and not in “Suggestions” I opted to created a new thread in “Suggestions

Have you heard back yet on your application for Forum Moderator?

:smiley: no, but I’m not sure the forum is busy enough to require one yet.

You’ll notice I did also actually give a proper reply.

You keep up the pace of your prolific posting and you just might post yourself into a job.

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I agree with many of you in specific regard to the monolith RAHYEH fight. I am nearly level 100 and while my resistances aren’t great, there is absolutely not enough time to move out of the way once he lays out his void damage fog. I have gotten one-shotted repeatedly and no it is not my gear. This has caused me to stop playing or at least this timeline. I may see if other timelines are more fair in boss battles. Up til now I cake walk maps straight to the boss and Rahyeh is the only one killing me in just seconds…WTH?

Devs: Please revisit this battle. It is frustrating and boring to go through so many waves only to get 1-shotted with no time to defend against his attack.



I feel I might have a better chance If I drop lunge or smite and replace it with shield rush so I have a moving skill that doesn’t require a target, but do I really want to drop my skills just for a boss fight? Should I have to drop skills for a boss fight? I don’t know.

I’ve parked him now. He’s 96 stuck in a 68 timeline. I’m playing trying my luck with casters.

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