Mourningstar Boots

Mourningstar Boots is not adding any damage to Flurry (Bow)
I have 36 Dexterity My Bow Has 37 Flat Physical Damage + 5 flat physical damage from passive tree. The only percentage damage I have is from the dexterity bonus. Mournigstar should almost double my damage but it adds nothing.
Flurry adds flat damage at 60% (I’m assuming that includes the bows damage itself)

Might not be working working for any bow skill as I also tested Puncture

I bet the issue is that the way the stat was implemented was as added damage to spells, melee, and throwing attacks, with no update to include bow attacks after the update (as there is no generic “attack” tag). Real issue in the meantime though, I hadn’t even considered using the boots for a bow build even though I’m using them on a Burning Daggers Cinder Strike build and that’s melee where the damage taken debuff really hurts!

It was a typo in the stat line, it was also not applying to throwing damage. It’s fixed for next patch.

(I know I already told you this, just following up here so we have a paper trail)

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