Monoliths and difference in difficulty

As the thread starter I’d like to mention: feel free to derail all you want.

edit: which is about 2ct worth.

edit: Also, some classes get easier access to resistances so how much res blessings are worth also depends on that

That is definitely true, but in context I was talking about endgame and not at the start. Once you hit your 850/900+ mark, you should focus on resistances.

I guess if you are playing Sential and its classes then maybe but as you said its very hard to spec so yeah generally speaking it is more efficient to get resistances (but there are exceptions).

Right but it is more effective the less damage that you take due to how endurance works, so its the same deal as dodge/GD but just for different reasons.

I kind of ran into the same thing I’m running 75 to finish off one of the stupid Echoes and the start of the 75 was like nothing at all like insta gib everything since we’re used in 90s but later on I mean if it came just ridiculously difficult and lagon had so many goddamn modifiers I am I got killed like three times it’s kind of weird to be honest

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I had the same issue with one character, but it’s totally due to my build. It does amazing damage in density, but rather poor against single target. If the modifiers are bad, the siuation can become a dead end.

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