Monolith / corruption feedback

  1. corruption upward scaling is fine, but corruption is kinda difficult / lengthy to reduce if you wanted to
  2. the benefit of corruption feels kinda small–pushing past 200 corruption doesnt seem to make a noticeable diff compared to a fresh 100 corruption empowered monolith, and, in fact…
  3. after doing like 300+ echoes and pushing corruption up, i see far fewer special (eg, reign of dragons’ set/unique sword/dagger) nodes than i do with a different character running a fresh monolith. i literally had a chain of 3 specials nodes in 4 echoes on a fresh 100c empowered monolith with only like 20 node reveals, and ive run muiltiple double digit +corruptions on my lvl 100 spellblade at 200+ corruption through like ~150 revealed without seeing a single one. i don’t know if this is a bug but it feels well beyond the standard range of what unlikely odds might allow for. possibly dying and losing a node replaces it forever? maybe reorganizing the web and spawning a special node in the first 2 layers bricks it? i’m not sure, but what is definitely not happening is being rewarded on the web for higher corruption and it feels like there’s a bug with special nodes on frequently run monoliths
  4. after hitting 100 you still get exp shrines in your solo games (sure, fine, whatever) but also you still get exp nodes on the web. changing these out, or making exp directly add to gold or magic find or something, would kinda make hitting 100 a little more impactful and fulfilling than it is right now
  5. why are the only key rewards arena key / arena key of memory? why not just reward a generic “key” and split odds between arena / memory / arbor / sanctum / bastion?
    unrelated to monoliths: the more characters you make the more youll need stash tabs and at +10k every time eventually you’re just gonna run out of gold–maybe a private tab per character that resets the counter is the fix? or some mechanism of reducing the cost in general
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I feel the same about key reward - it’s disappointing, should be a random roll between all keys. Weight it if you need to for balance, but make it exciting.

oh, a few more:

  1. the white rewards feel really uninteresting for the most part–like, at least glyphs and runes have a chance to drop despairs/ascends but it feels like the quantity is far too small, especially when you can just spam vendors for shatters. the gold is often less than a wealth shrine and there doesnt seem to be a random payday–you always seem to get approximately the same amount; the experience is literally always just some character-level specific amount and very uninteresting on its own.
  2. rare weapons/armor/etc. feels bad to run in empowered because there seems to be an impossibly low chance to get anything other than rares (i think i’ve got an exalted item exactly once?) and you’re kinda past that at this point. they feel great to run when your starting out in the normal monos, but eventually fall off pretty hard because of impossibly low exalted/unique rates out of them. even at high corruption empowered monos im still just getting rares from them.
  3. set item rewards are far too common for how many world drop set items there are (gaspars, liches, shattered lance, etc all boss exclusives). it must be something like 1:6 set items to uniques yet it seems like the reward echoes are 1:1. like, its very quick to just get all the set items
  4. if you die on an echo and dont complete it, vessel of chaos wont reroll it.

basically, (my opinion) on the echo rewards and some possible changes:
gold: reasonably powered on the low end for a common echo rw in the web, but needs something like a jackpot payout to make it more interesting and allow for gold farming or stng
runes: well balanced, good gamble, could use a few more runes (maybe commensurate with item quality so that you actually get a benefit from higher corruption/further distance)
glyphs: same as runes
exp: bland but power-wise pretty good if you’re looking to power level. currently doesnt scale with anything other than level which is weird and doesnt have any rng rolls or fun low-chance outcomes. still roll them at level 100 for some reason. could be an opportunity to do something cool.
shards: pretty bad past the first few. honestly runes of shattering and removal are so strong that shards by themself are a pretty weak reward. should always have a red-text shard. okay to be bad though, some echoes ought to be lower power than others and this is at least one that can accomplish that without feeling wasted.
idols: very well balanced–good quantity, good rewards, always relevant. could scale with corruption (+1 idol per 50 corruption?) but pretty good so far anyways
rare weapons/armor/jewelry/etc: good early but doesnt scale rareness so very weak late. adding scaling factor and also some bonus for the target farming monoliths would be very interesting
keys: in its current state there are far too many key echo rws. no sense is just doling out arena keys–give us a better way to farm temp sanctum/bastion/arbor. rn i just sell my arena keys for the gold lol (theyre worth more than the avg gold echo if you dont have the blessing)
set items: too frequent
unique items: in a good spot, but maybe could be slightly more frequent at higher corruption empowered monos
a unique/set X: the target farm echos are phenomenal. need to be more frequent at high corruption empowered monos (or fix whatever bug is causing them to become progressively more infrequent at high corruptions)
vessels of chaos: needs a fix to reroll failed but uncompleted rewards
shade of oro: fine.
beacon: fine, but a bit too frequent. i think they could be made more interesting–eg, the more beacons you light the greater an effect you can have on the web. like maybe lighting more beacons reduces corruption more if you fight a shade close to the start, or maybe each beacon you light gives you a greater scouting range on web echoes until you reset your web. i like the idea of giving up a echo reward for a more deliberate mono-wide buff until reset.
the reset traversed echoes echo: havent actually used it enough to have much feedback but a good concept. i think it has the same bug where if you die on an echo, losing the reward, and then reset it it still wont have a reward (but it should).

That is very interesting and reflects my experience very well.

I have a lot of chars on regular empowered 100corruption and spawning special nodes (Specific Uniques, Exalted + Vessels) to an extend where its not enjoyable for how early this is in my progression.

And on the one char I pushed corruption so far i basically didn’t feel like anything increase, bur rather dercrease.

Because dungeon keys are dropped by timeline bosses/shade. If you kill a timeline boss or shade with som decent %inc. rarity they basically drop one guaranteed and can even drop 2 keys.

I think that is intended, you can however complete the echo adn then reap the rewards again after using a Vessel Of Memory.

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