Monolith choice could include monolith name

Hi team - relatively simple ask - in the text of the monolith quests where it asks if you’d like to do XYZ action at the end of the monolith quest like “level 68 monolith” vs. “level 62 monolith”, simply replace the text to say “level 68 Monolith: Ending the Storm” for example. It’s super confusing as a new player to know which one to choose, and it doesn’t add gameplay value to have to replay the mission because I chose wrong. “Wrong” meaning - I wanted to go to one monolith (Age of Dragons), but ended up unlocking another.


My old self totally agree with this one since this has happened to me before too when I was still starting out. But I still agree with this suggestion nonetheless. Also, better view of the character/stats window when selecting blessings. Most of the time I can’t even view like 1/3 of the UI because the blessing selection UI is blocking it. Especially when picking up resistances (it’s blocking void resist and I think even poison and necrotic resistance too. I haven’t opened the game in a while now so I can’t double check) or if you just generally want to check something in your stats before selecting one.


I agree with both issues. The name is something that you don’t really need after a couple chars, but it’s still something that’s non-intrusive and that doesn’t really affect older players. Having the name can only be irrelevant at worst and helpful at best.

As for the blessings selection, I think it would be easily fixed if you could just select when you open the blessings menu. Something like what happens in the first monolith, where you have to interact with an NPC to make your choice and get the blessing. That way you can pick up the loot, check your stats, do whatever you want to do and you open the choice when you’re ready. It always annoys just slightly when the blessings show up when I’m trying to pick up the loot.

That Blessings selection screen that’s presented after killing a timeline boss is planned to be improved as Mike highlights in these quotes:

There’s also another change coming to Blessings as highlighted below:

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On a tangential note, visually it would also be good if they aligned it with the actual mono map.

Like Blood, Frost, and Death the unlock of 75/80. To find the wengari chief to unlock 75 it’s to the north and 80 it’s to the east. But on the actual MONO main map, 80 is to the north and 75 is to the east.

To this day still confuses the crap out of me when I go to do that one.

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Cool, that was my suggestion on Reddit. Judd commented it saying he would suggest it internally.

Better yet, just have it unlock both paths, instead of making us choose. It’s silly to have to go back and re-do the timelines to unlock 2 paths…

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On the one hand I agree.

On the other, since the left hand side of the map are the bastard step-children of monos it does ‘require’ people to do them more than once before they forget them. Some of those main quests are really beautifully done and deserve more looks.

I’ve actually been thinking a lot about this lately that it’s a shame some of these areas are done once and forgotten. But that’s an entirely different topic and I don’t want to derail this one.

But unlocking that chain would have nothing to do with needing to do the left side monoliths. I’m just talking about having to do that Heoborea monolith twice, just to unlock both pathways (or more if you mis-click like I did). Of course, the logical solution would be to throw in some better blessings along the left side, instead of them all just being drop % blessings. But… that would be too simple.

Logic? On an online forum? You mad?

Another simple idea: you can do them in any order you like, but you need to do all 10 monos to unlock empowered.
I would be happy with that, it is quick enough and like Caius, I like seeing the quests. But people would complain that it is too much to do with each character. Oh well.

I mean, it’s just a couple more monos, it’s not like it’s that much more.
Even so, you could just unlock empowered account-wide. You do them all, unlock empowered, the next char could just jump into empowered immediately, if you wanted/could handle it.

That doesn’t mean you couldn’t buff blessings on those monos as well, though. Drop blessings feel very underwhelming.

As a sidenote: many people don’t care about quests/campaign story in ARPGs. I personally only check those once and basically skip it every consequent run. To be honest, I don’t even remember what PoE’s campaign is about anymore. I don’t even remember D2’s anymore and I’ve played that for many many years.
As for LE campaign, I skipped reading it almost from the start. The Grim Dawn-like text only isn’t grabbing enough when what you want is mostly just to have fun blasting. When the campaign is done and we have cutscenes (which I hope will be skippable after the first run), I will pay attention to it once and then ignore it again in all future runs :stuck_out_tongue:

I understand that. And I was saying I agree. My point was, currently if you do decide to do them, having to do it twice meant you at least have to spend time in that area twice to see some of that hard gorgeous work. :smiley:

Yeah, if the two types of buffs remain I think the monos personally shouldn’t be left side right side segregated. I’d make them branch opposing. If base is a %. then left would be another %, right a buff. THEN left would be a buff and right would be another %. Also makes the options of cross branching that they have more relevant.

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I really like that idea.

To expand on it, it’d be awesome (and sort of meta) to have monolith choice system (let’s call it the ‘outer-shell’) as an extension of the monolith mapping system (let’s call it the ‘inner-shell’). That could expand in the future with new ways to interact with empowered monoliths, have “monolith-wide” corruption and blessings could be “slotted” into this new outer-shell system.

Basically, get rid of the map view for monoliths, and build a new custom monolith outer-shell view that is extensible to new features and systems like monolith base corruption (aka empowered), monolith level and blessing slots.

A tangible idea - each monolith choice is a “root node” and it’s leaves are the monolith system as-is today. Visually - you’d be able to embark on different journeys that take you different directions towards rewards that are segmented between resistances, drop rates, etc.

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