Minion ai feels really stupid atm

every single fight, after me and my most decorated soldiers vanquish the infidel barbarian hordes of southern turkmenisgolia and before i have the chance to award them the honor of the eternal ancestors first class, the brave hero of the day immediately rushes off to northwest sudanland to begin the ninth crusade to retake the blessed city of aachen from the apostates whom worship the god emperor of mars. fuck no i want to pick the time and place for battles of my choosing! stop dragging me into tavern brawls just because you couldnt get enough of punching the front teeth out of john from the previous bar fight!

every single time i call a general retreat, these brave women and ladies (and some men no doubt) gladly stay behind to continue the most honourable dance to the death, but god fucking damnit elizabeth no! i need my soldiers to cover my retreat not get themselves killed in pointless fights against peasants that dont matter.

then you would think that with how aggressive minions apparently are that nothing should be able to walk within 100m of me without my bodyguards bouncing them away, but no! when the steppes warbands walk up to hand me their ultimatum my dear little thingies with possibly nothing going through those empty skulls of theirs somehow find it appropriate to just stand there and stare at the enemy threatening me like its the first time they witnessed yahweh call a solar eclipse upon the unbelievers of beijing.

i dont know what gives for this unbelievably inconsistent and stupid minion behaviour but when comparing this to d4 and poe minion ai it genuinely makes those games look like they were transported back in time from 2050 while last epoch has been stuck in this state since 1987.


Interesting way to describe minion ai.

Atm, I do not play minion builds. When I think of playing one, I remember only how annoying they are currently and choose something else.

The devs have acknowledged in the past that minion AI needs some work, it just hasn’t happened yet. Here’s a link from last year where @AndrewTilley put out some great info about the plans which included Minion AI and other stuff. [Unofficial] Roadmap to 1.0 and Beyond

They did do some work on it from memory, I think they implemented it for Wolves possibly in 1.0?

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I think they tweaked it in 1.0 when they introduced Falconer. I’m guessing they did a better job with Falconer AI and adapted some of it for other minions. I do have some idea of Mike talking about something like that on stream, but I might be wrong.

I am fairly confident it will be improved in the future. For now head canon it as your player being like Ash From Pokémon, very bad at controlling his allies

The undead by dnd lore are mindless and almost impossible to give a conscious mind. So them being a mindless frenzy hoard in LE could make sense. Good luck stopping their base instincts.

A beast by its nature is a savage creature, especially since it’s born into existence by a fractured human mind. When it is summoned it is starving so attacks all in sight.

A elemental crow or similar entity is volatile and hates anything that is not it so tries to consume all in its path.

**Until it’s fixed just use above head canon to make it less annoying and frustrating **


That’s a bit of a thematic/head-cannon stretch given the game calls them companions/friends. I doubt the Primalist would keep them starving.

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I will most definitely read this post few more times, well done my good sir :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

I totally agree with you, I even made a similar post about how stupid the minions are, with video examples and all, and suggestions how easily they could be fixed

My ‘most enjoyed’ behavior of minions definitely is for example the Wraithlord coming back towards you when being too far away, killing something off-screen still as you desperately try to avoid being pummeled to the ground.

He then comes and instead of blasting the enemies right around you he overshoots… returns… circles around you like a confused puppy as you yell at it frantically 'Please… just help!’ only to be disappointed.

I’m fine with them starting another crusade in comparison, that’s still bad… but outright ignoring the ongoing fight in favor of training for a potential ‘circle-marathon’ upcoming in the future is a tad annoying to say the least.

I noticed yet another stupid minion behavior, which could be fixed immediately.

When you are walking, the minions are walking wayyy behind you, like they are guarding your back. Then when you encounter enemy mobs, they need to quickly catch up so they can join the fight.

Why are they walking far behind me?

I’m pretty sure that has to do with minion speed and your being faster than theirs.

Not true. Removed my boots (since they are the only +Movement speed stat) and they are still 1 second of a distance behind me when I am running

I thought you meant them being almost a screen behind you when walking. That would be the move speed.

As for them being about 1s behind you, that’s normal in every game? I’m not sure how you expect them to react. It happens in PoE, D4, GD, etc. Because the game can’t predict where you’re going to walk next, so they stay a bit behind and follow you from a distance that allows them to switch directions effectively.

I never really noticed anything different from their following distance compared to other games.

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