Massive Shaman Feedback Thread (Tons of Suggested Changes)

Smite on throwing hit disagrees.


I disagree, even before EHG made it more common I never thought its that rare.

People just get hung up on having “decent rolls”, because everything that is not “good” is crap, there is no middleground only black & white.

I’d be happy with them dropping at all, I’m not looking for a 9% roll with health or armour shred on throwing attack.


We need to play togheter next season :smiley: I hate throwing builds so I’m normaly showered in those ones as usual ^^.

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I think this is the major difference between Heavy and you and I.

We remember all the drops that do nothing for us. Every loot drop that isn’t what we want, is another paper cut closer to madness (or quitting).

Heavy only remembers the good drops. … I think he might be insane or an alien.


It’s a mentality thing that has been ingrained in us since the D1/D2 times: we just assume that every single drop is crap. Because that’s how those games were. And then, when it isn’t, we are pleasantly surprised. And if it’s actually really good, then we get a dopamine hit.

You are forgetting 1 important thing. Heavy likes it hard (ja?), real hard (jaaaaaaaaaa!!!).


Dude I was 33 when Diablo 1 came out. It’s just different people are different. Heavy iz zee extreme example of that. :slight_smile: Heavy is a good guy, but I’m definitely different.

LOL, you are a bad man! :heart:

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Oh jaaaaaaaaaa!!!

Just ask my colleagues, not sure about my almost-ex-wife. #1 son (bonus points to anyone else that gets it) would definitely agree, #2 & 3 offspring probably wouldn’t.

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Nothing I couldn’t handle :stuck_out_tongue:

@Llama8 I am disappointed by your german skills, hart is spelled with a t in german

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I got a C at GCSE (30 years ago), you don’t want to hear my pronunciation.

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