Marksman's decoy second charge issue

Best definition of a good dev. Curious in spite of your better judgement. I enjoy reading your riffs on solutions. I know it is tempting and fun to find a solution given the constraints. Specifically in this case, even if you do get it right, if I have to change windows/firmware then I do not think it is a desired solution. Worst case scenario would be a mod, some third party thingy applied to the game, not my setup. I still believe there is nothing really special about my setup, just not enough people got to where I got, or they do not come here to share.

I think you might be onto something with that throwing speed. Mage’s ward shield can have charges as well, that one I can use consistently correctly, even though it seems to run identical code. So what’s the diff here!!! Haha it is 3 and if you put 3 exclamation marks and one question mark… or one q mark and then 3 excl… strange. 3 dots as well

Would be nice to be able to play with the code a bit. I would love to mess with it.

Have a class, call it “DownAndUp” and insist it is a good name :smiley:

Solution X: Deactivate key pressed and key up for that one key. We should be able to intercept those events, right? I have no idea at what level though. I know there are some powerful tools that give you loads of control over your keyboard.

It would totally break Numlock autocasting, not sure that’s a good thing (for the player).

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