Marina’s Lost Soul specifically states it supports possess not ignite therefore those benefits don’t get converted to ignite effectiveness. Unique property of Marina’s isn’t intended to be converted because the skill tree only converts skill tree effects, not unique item effects.
Mike most likely stated that because it makes sense to give a unique more options when building within the tree. That being said, I believe Marine’s Lost Soul intention in the design process was to give players a way to scale possess damage (not ignite) because currently it’s a bit lack luster. I think there is value in keeping the unique to specifically cater to that playstyle if that is the design intent.
Regardless, we will bring this up internally and see how the team feels about this interaction.
Yes Mike said he suspects it doesn’t work but thinks that it should.
I think it would be cool if marinas worked with the conversion, gives opportunities to more fire lich builds, or at least improving the current ones. Fire lich is not bad but could use some loving.
It is a acolyte/lich weapon after all. Might as well serve more branches of it. If this is even possible and/or the dev team wants this.
I understand though that if done with marinas it probably means changes to all uniques with similar situations, and it’s just not something that was planned. Thanks for the consideration anyway!