Manifest Armor cannot hit new models in Sanctum

There’s a new monster that has the hit box being too small for the Manifest Armor to be able to hit properly. The pet runs around on top of the model trying to beeline to the hitbox to attack.

The model of this monster is the void nightmare located in the new dungeon called The Sanctum Cloisters.

This bug is more of an issue with the pet itself having very little reach as it runs around wasting time to find the sweet spot to attack monsters. It needs work as other builds put it to shame.

If you can record what is happening it would be helpful to see where the problem is.

I have a recording but it is too large to post here (90MB).
Update: I uploaded to Youtube: Manifest Armor Sentinel in Last Epoch - YouTube

I’ve reproduced the issue and made a note of it internally. Thanks!

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Thanks a lot, love the game, keep it up.
Just realized I had the video set to private, not sure if you were able to see, if not, my bad. I changed it to “unlisted” so anyone who still interested should be able to see it.

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