Mage passives: "Silver Rune" not affecting the cooldown of "Reactive Ward"

Hello! :slight_smile:

The mage has three passives that interact with each other: Reactive Ward, which grants a burst of ward when reaching 70% of max health; Sun and Storms, which (among other effects) grants ward when using a fire or lightning skill, and Silver Rune which (along with another effect) reduces the cooldown of the other two.

I found that Silver Rune correctly reduces the cooldown of Sun and Storms from 10 seconds to 4, but doesn’t affect the cooldown of Reactive Ward, which remains at 12 seconds. This is rather easy to reproduce, but if it’s needed, I can try to record a video showing the 12 seconds cooldown.

Thank you for reading! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the report.


I’m also experiencing this issue. However, I would like to point out that the default cooldown of Reactive Ward is 12 seconds, not 10 seconds, so Silver Rune should reduce it to 6 seconds, not 4.

Be that as it may, Silver Rune is still not working as the cooldown for Reactive Ward with 3 points in Silver Rune remains at 12 seconds, whereas it should be being reduced by 2 seconds per point to a total of 6 seconds.

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Indeed! That was my bad. I edited my post accordingly (even though it’s probably useless, now that the post has been read by the devs, but hey, better late than never!). Thanks for correcting me :slight_smile:

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