Machine Gun Spriggan Updated Build 0.8.2e

And Entangling roots seems a bit nerfed , I mean you can only get mana efficiency if you reduce the area drastically , which makes it quite unusable.
Or buff up Mana Bloom so it actually makes some difference.
1 mana per second is nothing.

This one will also kill your FPS but it went 300 Waves in arena on first attempt.


If you are wanting to change out Ice thorns to entangling roots here’s the skill tree:

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Would heoborean armor not be a bit better? you get mana regen , but loose some move speed

Movespeed is always superior.

But yes either way is viable depending what you need

Now that they fixed entangling roots, would you say its back to S tier now??

Welcome to the community!

I havet played it yet to find out. SoonTM

The minion ai is certianly a buff to it and being able to use skills like warcry, leap, and frenzy totem with the eterras blessing and companion damage reduction are certianly bonuses. The huge mana cost of entangling roots is still an issue though and the lack of aoe of course. I would definitely be interested in seeing a version with a few rolls of mana regen somewhere. Overall I’d say its probably just as good as it was before if not a little better, if that was S tier to you then it is probably still there.

Hello Boardman21,
I am playing this build with Entangling Roots and the feeling is very good. I am using some uniques from old build and skills from new.
However I am not a specialist and would love to see this build updated. I think it can rach very easly S rank again!
Looking forward to your respond

Thank you

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Why does the build need updating? It was only posted a bit over a month ago and we’ve not had a major patch (0.8.3) yet.

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