Locus of Death makes Flame Wraiths unresponsive

The node Locus of Death in Summon Wraith makes Flame Wraiths largely unresponsive. I have a build that spawns dozens of Flame Wraiths at any time and this node makes probably 70-80% of them just idle and do nothing even when an enemy is in range. Not sure what’s going on there but seems like a bug.

When you notice this occurring, are you far away from the Flame Wraiths?

Can be next to the wraiths or far away. I have around 80-130 flame wraiths at any time. When I spawn the flame wraiths they’re typically responsive straight away and attack enemies around them then become unresponsive. In the end a significant portion of the flame wraiths just stand there doing nothing whether an enemy is close or not.

This issue has been fixed internally and should be present in a future patch.

Sweet, well done!

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