Lets Talk Monolith of Fate

I think we should add visual feedback under a chest icon or something. Like 5 “grey icon rewards” that slowly fill up (with some colours), representing the chest reward filling up as we kill monsters.

This way, we would have incentive to maybe kill more monsters, or just rush for progress. I’m not sure the final chest rewards are well tuned, but it didn’t strike me as unrewarding, as I’m okay with the current monolith of fate.

My take on it would be to add more variations to what could happen to an echo. (and not necessarily shown on the map) like regular rewards A boss surprise ? A special event with special rewards ? A surprise chain quest ? etc.


Both good ideas.

Ok, Pot… Kettle…

The irony of that statement is killing me laughing. I’m sorry but from reading the forums you seem to like arguing with everyone for the sake of it; and I’m too busy enjoying this wonderful game to indulge you, so I’ll leave this one now.


I actually disagree. aRPGs are all about rolling the dice and killing as much as possible

When I last played I was at corruption 315-19 I cant remember exactly - and I got very little loot as I avoided everything, the only reason I was stacking corruption was to find Omnis…no other reason.

ive left feedback in boardman21’s thread but when I had the realization I basically hate the game when pushing corruption due to the nature of it here being the same as Diablo 3 rift fishing, I stopped playing and have absolutely no desire to login

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