Legacy Question

Hi there!

I have two main questions.

  1. Are we keeping all items and money and toons in our ‘Legacy realm’ once the game is released?

  2. And if so, does that mean Item Factions can take place immediately (after leveling them up) in this Legacy Realm?

I mainly ask because I am curious if my playtime right now before release will count for something in terms of item collection. I feel less inclined to play if none of this carries over when it’s reset.

Any insight would be great.


(1) Yes, all current online characters and their items, crafting materials, etc. will be moved over to the Legacy realm at launch.

(2) Yes, though you’ll still have to select the Item Faction of your choice (Merchant’s Guild or Circle of Fortune) at some point during the campaign. So characters that have already completed the campaign will likely have to go back somewhere within it to do this.

All current items do not have a faction requirement, nor are they planned to after launch so you’ll be able to trade everything you’ve currently found at the Bazaar if you join the Merchants Guild and level it up as necessary/accumulate the necessary Favor to sell these items. However, any item sold at the Bazaar will then have the Merchants Guild requirement added to it.

There’s other stuff I could talk about, but the Item Factions dev blog and the expandable FAQ located at the bottom of that post provide a lot of additional details.


Thank you very much for your detailed answer!

My only follow-up question would be: I can only assume that after a Cycle is complete, the characters created within each Cycle will then move to the Legacy Realm. Do we have confirmation on this?

In a way… I almost feel intimidated that everything we have will be able to be sold at the Bazaar. I feel like all of the players who have known and who have been playing this for a long time will have a monopoly on the Legacy Realms.

Has this been addressed?

Yes, that’s what’s going to happen. If it didn’t then the non-legacy would be the legacy.

It’s not that they will have a monopoly on trading but the total size of the economy (tradeable gear & gold available to buy it) will be larger & grow with each league of characters added to it, that’s kinda the point. If it didn’t work like that, people who didn’t want a reset each quarter would, understandably, loose their shit because it would probably mean that they weren’t allowed to trade or play with others.


I get that, and that’s not the part I am intimidated by. Cycles should definitely go into the Legacy Realm.

I’m thinking more so on the end of the players who have been playing for years now, who already have this collection.

Prior to release.

Multiplayer arrived on March 9, 2023 with the release of patch 0.9. So while players may have been playing Last Epoch for years now they’ve only been playing online for a short time, in comparison.

While I’m sure the economy of Legacy will be a little wild at first there are certain measures that should help stabilize it, such as items can only be sold once.

Also, the Favor costs associated with trade will likely to be the biggest limiting factor on trade. That dev blog I linked in my initial post highlights all of this information so it’s certainly worth a read, especially the expandable FAQ. That said, its a new system that’ll likely undergo additional alterations and balancing over the course of the games lifecycle.


Ah, good point on the Favor – and we don’t know how much or what it will take to upgrade in the Guild. Plus, veterans will be rewarded by supporting and playing the game for a long time.

I have full confidence in EHG.

Thanks for the info!

P.S. I am really loving looking through your ‘[Unofficial] Roadmap’ … impressive stuff.

Edit: also didn’t realize the point on Multiplayer … since you bring it up, I thus assume it’s a new server everyone had to create new characters on?

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Glad to hear you’re enjoying it. :slight_smile:

Yes, everyone had to start anew if they wanted to play online with the release of multiplayer.


legacy characters who completed the campaign seem unable to access the factions

I personally did not experience an issue with joining a faction, MG in my case, with a Legacy character that previously completed the campaign.

Perhaps try again when the server issues have been resolved.

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