The action assigned to my LMB resets to “move or destroy object” every time I reopen the game.
I usually set it to “move or attack (R button skill)”.
This causes me quite a few deaths each time I jump into the fray and my attack does not go off…
The action assigned to my LMB resets to “move or destroy object” every time I reopen the game.
I usually set it to “move or attack (R button skill)”.
This causes me quite a few deaths each time I jump into the fray and my attack does not go off…
I am having this exact same problem. I have the left mouse button set for “move or attack” mapped to the R button skill. Every time I restart the game, it is back at “move or break destructible” which causes much death.
FWIW, I’m playing a Rogue equipped with a bow, and the skill it’s set to is Cinder Strike.
When I exit the game, I click the menu button to the right of the teleport skill button, and choose “Main Menu”, then “Exit Last Epoch”. But even just going to “Leave Game” and then coming back in resets my mouse button choice back to “move or break destructible”.
This is a known issue that we haven’t had the chance to resolve yet. Sorry about that!
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