Noooooo! no no no no no no noooooooo! Why?! POE2 takes too long to build up a character for a normal player! If you postpone ur launch you heavely risk that many will start playing it first and than will have no more will to play to another ARPG again! Postpone it of a couple of days, but not 2 weeks! 2 Weeks are not enought to finish on POE for the most of us but are already too much to start leveling again in another game where you have a lot of things to learn anew! You are making an error…please think again! Better it was to not postpone at all, the community would have chosen you
Puhh quite bad news
I’m disappointed.
Of course they are. Like they said in their post, they are the little guys here. Nothing shameful
Best move to do!
More time for you, and vanish the 2day burning server before poe and empty serv after! GG
What would be your solution? Being crushed by GGG and not having any chance?
Correct decision. Let it cook.
I was going to play Last Epoch anyway. I’m almost done with Diablo 4 season 7. I wish I could have had a whole month to play LE but 2 weeks is still nice
Would assume this will affect twitch drops as well??? I know those have to be coordinated with twitch and have heard can be a pain to move dates?
Smh…knew this was coming. Makes me not want to play poe at all for doing such a scummy move to begin with
It’s sad from my personal side because I already had a day off booked and I know that I won’t get it in the second half of April because someone else has it then, but I understand this decision. One question from me, would it be possible to introduce WSAD controls earlier so that I could train before the season? Unfortunately, after playing POE2 like this for 3 months, I can’t imagine walking with a mouse anymore.
Since the previous season launch. Which mind you, was the first actual season launch after 5 months since 1.0 and this is only the second
Anyone against this decision clearly doesn’t care about the future and longevity of LE.
This is the right call for all, and the majority of players support your team. Don’t let the short sighted QQ jeopardize your future.
Yeah i get that, i just meant after waiting 9 months, another 2 weeks is nothing
Bad move imo, but understandable.
I think there would never be better circumstance to pit LE against the currently dominant arpg (path of exile).
Think about it. PoE2 has had barely a couple months’ worth of time to produce new content, on top of having to fix countless issues with their release. One of which is one of the most important aspects of the game - the endgame. Which whas very clearly scraped together in the last minute before release.
In comparison what does LE have to offer? Nine plus months’ worth of content. And a huge addition to endgame systems. Including crafting, which is literally non-existent in PoE2.
I daresay many would have made the choice to play LE over PoE2.
April is apparently aRPG month. Squished on every side
Well, there goes the week off I got at work for the launch.
I’m happy that the game will no longer be shadowed by POE2’s launch, but this sucks a ton.
Its a tough call. GGG dropped the ball so hard, I am not actually sure how much of a bump their patch is going to be. A small patch to PoE2 EA is not enough to draw my interest. I AM far more interested in seeing what LE has in store. spears, etc won’t draw me back. massive reworks of the atlas would be required.
More time to cook I suppose.
Its a first time event. no one can really predict how much of a playerbase return LE or PoE2 will get. theres little reason to think, the massive amounts of new players to poe2, that didn’t play poe 1 will follow the same patterns of poe1 leagues. and this is also not even a poe2 league. just a patch.
wtf bro POE2 did the fack up ting not last epoch im sad you see it like this POE2 das not need too compete whit last epoch
And I thought you could do without players who play a game for 2 weeks. And I’m just disappointed that you punish your fans for such ‘players’.
Thanks a lot too, I’ve wasted 2 weeks of my holiday.
Really. Just disappointing!