Last Epoch Patch Notes 1.1.6 & Hotfix

Nice to see the Nemesis fix, but I think a larger fix is needed for losing items in general. It feels terrible to lose a drop because you died after killing a monster, but couldn’t get the item before dying. The Nemesis ground effects made this happen a decent amount. Is there no way to make instances persist until a limited number of portals are used or something? Kind of like Path of Exile.

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Or just send the missed items to you in town.


That would be an option too, but then it might just send everything that you left on the ground as well haha. Maybe they could figure something out. I just know straight up losing loot like that in an ARPG feels terrible.

Pro tip: don’t die.

Consider it a joke. I couldn’t resist :smiley:


Thank god.

Hopefully in future we also get option to not show confirmation at all since it’s pretty useless when you can just change blessings in town.


Yup, it’s fixed.

gj on this one @EHG

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Excellent to hear! It was driving me mad :sweat_smile:


Great list of fixes, some of these were really irritating, even though they weren’t game-breaking.

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This patch broke controller support for non-melee builds.
It is now impossible for any ranged, non continuous ability to hit enemies that are not at max range.

“Point and click” skills like Ice Claw and Frost Wall now always cast at max range regardless of having enemies at melee range and no enemies far away.


I’m glad you said it 'cause it makes me look like less of an arsehole.

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As someone who has lost more items this way than I’d care to admit, thank you.

An alternative someone mentioned would be making them drop on respawn, but I have a hunch that due to the technical limitations of how the echoes are hosted, that’s not possible (or would need something developed to support it).

Regardless, I’m grateful to have another shot at Nemesis items at the very least :slight_smile:

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The best solution is to immediately terminate all abilities originating from the nemesis when it dies. I suppose this wouldn’t help in the case where the player is already debuffed by a damaging ailment, but ground effects and stuff should instantly disappear.

Defeats the purpose of a death penalty.

Losing loot when u die is LE death penalty.

This also isnt borderlands.

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Another hotfix incoming for the broken ranged attacks on controller sometime soon?

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The team are aware and looking into this, if you experience it please submit an In Game Bug Report listing the skills you’ve notice are no longer working correctly!

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Seen it myself on Spirit Plague (Torment Warlock build)

I’ll start testing different skills and submit an in-game bug for each one i notice not working


Love this! Made navigation on controller much nicer. I had actually bound S, P, I, and F to my Steam Decks back triggers because the radial menu was annoying to use.

Now we just need controller support on the main menu. Currently I have to “mouse” over “Offline” or “Exit Game”

But the point was that the mob died after you did, and still dropped his loot.


Le -52 all the time…

Joystick issue is fixed :slight_smile:

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