Last Epoch Patch 1.1.2 Patch Notes

Weird. In hundreds of Echos I haven’t had this problem. Do you banish them or do you always kill them (if not empowered)? Maybe there is a reason why there are so few in your area.

You’re absolutely correct about me not watching big content creators - I’m more interested in playing the game than in watching someone with their own agenda play the game. The disconnects affect all players, and I certainly want them to do some serious beefing up of their server infrastructure - but I recognize that EHG are a SMALL indie company with extremely limited resources so just seeing them churn out the number of fixes they are is enough to impress me. I’m confident they’ll get the most urgent fixes done in due time. I’m not confident they have unlimited resources to throw at the problems.


Another genuine misunderstanding on your part as well. These are new, they are part of the cycle. “they will be permanent” and? They should be promoted as they were and balanced for the next cycle when other mechanics will come in.
You just accept terribly implemented new mechanics, you will guzzle down slop and you will thank them for the chance to beta test something lacking features.

Ugh… you just do not know what you talk about… WE DO NOT HAVE CYCLE MECHANICS YET… It’s not because they released something this cycle that it is “part of the cycle”… NO, it’s part of the game, as a core, just like the Pinnacle Boss… What’s so difficult to understand about that?
Or maybe you think there should be a Pinnacle Boss in every map too, since, you know, they released it now so “it’s part of the cycle”…

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I’m sure EHG will tweak the balance a bit based on feedback, but fundamentally, the Pinnacle boss & Nemesises (& all the stuff added in 1.1-1.4) are core content, that’s why they’re being added to both league & non-league/offline at the same time (ish). If they were proper league mechanics, like PoE’s, then they’d most likely be treated like PoE’s (very heavily present in the league & ideally added to core after the league ends in a watered down fashion).

I don’t think it’s @DiceDragon that’s misunderstanding here. That the 1.2 stuff is core is what the developers have said. Unless it’s them that’s not understanding…