Last Epoch Patch Notes

I am wondering if LE servers will ever work good enough. Few days after 1.0 release or today always problems with teleports etc :smiley: how long yet?

Fixed that for you

Keep it up, thanks for the fixes.

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yeah, lets not talk about obviousness
thats the whole point of many players dissatisfaction.
Wait for a full cycle is no good.

YOLOMouse on Steam or the older free version on github my guy.

I feel like the red shirt guy from Blizzcon with the last two patches and the response from devs regarding fixing known BUGS. “Is this an out of season April fools joke?”

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Slowe thine roll.

This is how you destroy your communitys trust in just one patch

They took the money, they are on vacation, probably the guard dog is doing theese updates…is this a joke ? :)))) are u making fun of players…do u read the forum to check and see what everyone is saying ?

Yes i did disconeect everytime in eternal sanctum if i died…what u did still doesnt change the fact that i die everytime from one shots from the boss cause baldedancer is underpowered, and boss is overpowered.

Eh…but you know…why listen to the player base… ?

Well i think its time to go back to other games until this game gets better…if it will anytime soon, if not its already kinda lost with what is to come in gaming.

Sadge. UNGA!


Yes, they talked about a hotfix on reddit for this.

Fix profane veils and 2hander BUG pls, dun do the same thing like D4 doing!!!


A lot of the issues that people have been bringing up lately have been in the game for at least the past two years.


Gonna be real, the amount of bugged interactions that arent being talked about, that people who have played the game in beta are aware of still existing, isn’t a small list.

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It annoys me how they generally seem to ignore their own forums and stick to the cesspit that is reddit.


Thanks for the quick fix, had 30 soulfire keys ready to go on my lock.

It’s 2h + Catalyst Profane Veil meta time baby!!! :man_facepalming:

FYI the soulfire bastion dungeon is still bugged exactly as it was before the patch.

EDIT: Just checked again and it is now working correctly.

same… I dont wanna play without player health bar in higher corruption smh

It smells like Blizz spirit.

Nice, Ive been awating the dungeon dc fix. Keep it up guys.