Last Epoch Hotfix Notes

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug which could cause Fire Aura to stop dealing damage
  • Fixed an issue where targeting for skills were broken for gamepad

Hello! Is there some prioritized bugfix backlog available to players? Or any place, where we can check what bugs are you aware of? Neither ingame nor Discord bug reports are acknowledged in any visible way and we, as players, have no idea if theres hope for our builds to be fixed. At this time, 2/3 builds I made had bugged some important synergies and this “try and miss” sadly isn’t fun anymore.


There’s Bug Reports but since they added the on-game reporting I’d imagine that the bug forum here is getting fewer posts.

Everything gets logged, sent to the team and added to the queue! Replying to all the posts would take a lot of time though I do understand how frustrating it can be to not get any acknowledgement.

The Discord does have a Known Issues thread in the FAQ channels, this is used to cover some of the more common issues, like those that occur after a patch drops, as well as offer guidance on how to report some of the harder to pin down and fix issues.

Is there a way to get this info on here (the “official” forum)? Some people don’t have and use Discord and really hate having to create accounts on a system they will never use just to get this type of stuff that should be available on the game’s own forum.

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We’re currently working on our Support Site and Forum for those reasons exactly! We want to make any information that player might find useful available in as many places as we can. I don’t have an ETA on when those changes will be done, I just wanted you to know we are working on it!


Thank you very much, that’s great to know. I know you guys are doing great work and hard at it and it’s very much appreciated. :sunglasses:


A stop-gap measure would be to add a “known issues” section at the end of the more “major” patches like 1.1.6. That way we can see what’s been fixed and what you’re aware of on the same page. No need to go to different sites.

They do do that sometimes.

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