Last Epoch: Harbingers of Ruin Patch Notes

I hoped for some Lich love. Got none. :frowning:


okay i didn’t expect this much nerfs, holy moly where are the buffs? im still excited for the cycle but right now im a little bit disappointed about the fack that evything got nerfed.

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Is better than getting the “love” some of us got there q_q Why limited amount of consumed minions on Wraithlord’s Harbour why

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HYPE :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart_eyes:

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Druid or shaman viable in this season now? I quit early last season because its underwhelming compared to other class my friends play.

i am prety sure with the avalanche changes there will be a meta shaman build

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Where Marrow Shards changes???

EDIT: Please tell me you guys just forgot to put it in the patch notes. It’s one of the oldest, if not, one of the most outdated skills in the game. No one wants to see 5-6-7-pointer travel nodes on a skill in 1.1. Shame I didn’t get to see it here as it’s really one of the skills I’m waiting for a revamp since like forever, and since the chance for it to be updated were totally missed in Warlock’s release.

Not trying to sound ungrateful. I hope I’m just wrong in this one. Nice update overall though.


Cause Wraith Lord helm was broken good.


Shocked we did not get more acolyte changes. Abom needs work guys…


Love to see Avalanch as an option for lightning spell Shaman, being forced to run in to melee for Earthquake always felt terrible. The option to make Lightning Totem cast Storm Bolt is cool too, will have to see if that makes it viable on a Melee Shaman using the bonus storm bolt damage based on weapon damage node.

On the other hand, I would have liked to see some love for Meteor, but maybe the Sorcerer passive changes will breath some new life in to Meteor Sorc.

I need some clarification please. Does this mean that if you replace “one of your Uniques” and then Empower the Nemesis that you no longer have it until you later challenge the Nemesis?

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I think abom is actually perfectly fine.

Abom just is “big minion that cant die” all the big minions that cant die, fight for meta status.

Before wraithlord, Abom was able to push plenty of corruption and is one of the best arena builds for necro. its just slow and steady, it does not farm fast, but it does farm.

Abom mostly just needs some qol to its sub spells like arrow nova. (The soul shooting spell is pretty good.)

Yes, the Nemesis will have the Unique item after you give it to them. So you wouldn’t want to replace an egg with an equipped unique without a replacement.


Holy moly. The nerfs to freeze are sooooo massive. Freezing bosses is probably about 90-99% harder now. It got hit by like 7 combined nerfs:

Bosses have 50% more effective health against stun and freeze

Freeze has nothing to do with the damage reduction changes (stun is impacted) as the freeze calculation has nothing to do with damage dealt. So now there is a 50% nerf to freeze off this alone.

changed freeze chance to take ward into account

If the above 50% nerf wasn’t enough, it’s even worse since now it accounts for ward the bosses will gain.

Snap Freeze: Cryomancy now grants 10% increased freeze duration per point (from 12%), and its maximum points has been reduced to 4 (from 5)

More nerfs to snap freeze

Freeze Rate Per Stack of Chill: * T7 grants 51-65% freeze rate (from 86-105%)

Enormous nerf to this affix. This was one of the most reliable ways of building up freeze because the mod is a multiplicative increase to freeze rate (as opposed to flat +freeze rate which is additive). They nerfed this affix by ~40%.

Frostbite Shackles - * Now grants +1% ward retention per 2% uncapped cold resistance (from +1% ward retention per 1% uncapped cold resistance)

Freeze builds are already extremely gear intensive and usually don’t have the best ward generation already. So now that freeze is even harder they massively nerfed the defense of such builds… Every freeze build ran this.

Oceareon - * Freeze rate per stack of chill affix has been replaced with 2% to 4% less damage taken from chilled enemies

Did they mention they don’t want you freezing enemies anymore? This is another massive nerf to freeze as its a multiplicative increase stat as mentioned above. Every freeze build ran this (or two of them). To put it in perspective, if you didn’t have any other source of “freeze rate per stack of chill”, a perfect rolled oceareon (200% roll) at 3 stacks of chill was a x7 freeze rate multiplier which is now gone.

Snowdrift - * Now grants 1% cold penetration with Frostbite per 10% freeze rate multiplier (from 2% per 10%)

Seriously freeze and freeze rate is completely dead now and the associated mods are basically dead filler stats. Freeze rate is basically only good for scaling snowdrift at this point and not for its actual intended usage. Very sad, it was a very fun build style that EHG apparently wants to no longer exist.


Nice updates! Polishing the game visually/acoustically is top priority since the competition already has toped those aspects. Gameplay wise still nice to see all those changes in only one season.
GJ GJ!!!

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I find its summoning overhead makes it unplayable for me. You either summon ALL your minions twice, or you get perm Abom that is just another golem.

Yeah thats its playstate and theme.

its okay to not be into it,

However perma abom is alot stronger then a golem, if you focus on it, its able to clear content just fine.

The second highest arena climber on necro last I looked was a perma abom build. it has the same play pattern as wraithlord, you get 1 big mega minion that does 200k a hit that just waddles around and never dies. The only reason it does not get more spotlight is because wraithlord did everything it does better. (Tbh even with the nerfs probably still does)

Gamepad= numpad?

can you link me to this abom build?

Gathering Fury mistakenly copy pasted instead of Gathering Storm under Primalist Skills?