Last Epoch Deluxe and Ultimate Editions

Awesome MTX in these Editions.
Hope we are going to see change in the Model of the Supporter Packs at some point.

I hope you’ll consider including previous tiers to the supporter packs.
I would love to support this game more and also get something cool in return. But truth be told, the higher tiers are not really… enticing.

They have said they’re going to be changing how future supporter packs work based on feedback. Though I don’t think it’s likely to come before 1.2 (ie, 6-8 months)?

I still think you should just let the cosmetics all be available on offline mode. Just to let people try them out, and because people are 100% going to mod it in anyway, and it would be a missed opportunity for a positive impression with no gain imho.

I’d imagine the number of people that actually play offline is miniscule, and those few are probably the least likely market for the cosmetics. Offline is mainly just for testing things for most people ive seen. So it seems like disabling them in offline is just self harm. Especially once you get into spell effects, while theory crafting a build they could find a cosmetic that makes it cooler, and they’d almost certainly buy it for the actual online build :face_with_diagonal_mouth: