Last Epoch 1.0.0d Patch Notes

you forget that China has a different attitude towards Russia. And PoE-server in Russia was created long before some problem with one neighboring country).
Besides compare huge Tencent and EHS is just foolishly, isn’t it?

Dear employees of the game, thank you for your titanium labor, but still, we need to know what is the matter, why you can not fix the ever-present problem with telportation? Tell us what is the matter, please.
Regards Alexander.
Thank you

Awesome, great to hear! As long as it’ll come back, I can sleep in peace, haha. Feel free to take y’all’s time with that fix, there’s are much bigger fish to fry. I’m patient, keep up the good work!

PS: thanks for the rapid response, y’all’s public presence and communication are bar none! :+1::beers:

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it’s really nice to see this big update coming today

Money transfers between countries take 1 minute.
You can pay for anything.

After this patch can’t enter the game(

Great patch. Still have to wait to login and when i do my character is now invisible. Bravo.

We still cant play the game!!!

The fact that you all have been able to fix all of this while simultaneously updating and fixing all these other things while also keeping in contact with everything going on is absolutely amazing! You guys are doing better than certain AAA companies with insane budgets, well fricken’ done!!!

LE-61 when i try to connect. Great.

Pog. Thanks for working so hard on the game and being so transparent with the server issues.

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Lets’t goo :pinched_fingers:

same :frowning:

The game does not start after this patch. So far the experience is sadly abysmal :confused:

You could not do it in the last patch of Beta. This has been changed couple monts ago iirc

Grade eben das Update gemacht, bis jetzt läuft der Online Modus super… :slight_smile: Auch wenn es grade nicht so läuft wie es sollte mit dem Game, habt ihr hier ein tolles Spiel gemacht. Macht weiter so liebes Team von Last Epoch, vielen danke für eure tolle Arbeit. :+1:

Sweet update, now all my previous waypoints are locked and my character is effectively stuck in the End of Time. Went from infinite loading screens to completely bricking my character! This just gets better and better.

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“Advent of the Erased’s ward gain on gaining or refreshing Haste now has a 1 second cooldown”

Was not expecting a mid league nerf like this =/

the most valuable comment here!

Are you kidding with us? Fix your fking server on first place, 1 millions copies sold and nothing!