Lack of minion stances feels really bad

Minion stances is something every game needs.

I asked in the discord, and here is the way minion AI currently works

NOTE: the borders are actually circles, after a correction from a dev, and they differ per ability

The black spot represents the player. The green border represents the maximum minion aggro range, while the red border represents the minion aggro range when the player is moving.

As you can see, minions will actively ignore enemies in order to stay close to you, even if they could run up to them and kill them before you even get more than half a screen away.

This is why you’ll notice your minions acting derpy and not attacking enemies close to you. It’s also why melee minions feel slow and clunky to play, because on top of having to physically run over with slow movement speed, the moment you turn your back to them they’re already running back.

If I might suggest something, please implement a basic aggressive setting for minions, or at least give the obvious damage focused minions their own aggressive AI.

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True. I have been suffering this issue since i started to play, and it’s very annoying. Have to move with A button pressed all time to keep the minions close to me. If you don’t do it that way, can face a group of enemies and get your minions one or two seconds later.

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I’d just like to clarify, as I did in discord, that the boxes are actually circles and each one is different for each ability for each minion.


My bad, I’ll edit the OP to not misinform

Just to expand on this;
knowing that getting AI JUST right is a bunch of work -
it would be cool if you could set it on a per minion type basis as well.
Playing my Forgeguard - i like having my armor boi in the front near me - sweeping stuff up with his whirlwind, and i could have my swords going off and clearing stuff around - more like a “roam” mode where anything that attacks me or my minions they would target

Would really like to see this. Currently I have the opposite problem, too - I have a spriggan that I want to stick close to me so the healing aura places where it should, but the spriggan keeps staying out of range or even ignores my attempts to move it. :smile:

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