Keybind for Moving Bugged or New Feature?

Uhhh i say this is a bug cause when i played the game a few months ago, around 8-9 at this point, but this was not an issue, as i was able to swap move and attack on the bar itself so i never noticed it, now however i am unable to do that, and im not able to keybind my move key to RIGHT CLICK? I dont understand, and its really really really turning me personally off from playing again until its changed, fixed, or reverted back to being able to have right click to move and left click to attack (im not a fan of Diablo 4s move/attack/interact system, im not sure if thats the reason these changes are being made but options are always nice, however that option i found it makes movement clunky and a bit unresponsive at precise times and prefer to have them as seperate keybinds so i just move when i want to move out of deadly things)

If I am not mistaken, your problem is someway related to this other post about Right Mouse Button assignment:

just tried this, about to launch game and see if it worked, i however believe this would be a great thing for the devs to of fixed by now in game, the average player wont want to mess around and find a fix like this, thank you for the fix :stuck_out_tongue:

It is not my fix.
I just pointed a post with a possible solution :slight_smile:

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