Items Duplicated by The Vault of Uncertain Fate share craftingoutcome

I got a duplicate mod on one of the rewards. It duplicated an Axe. I crafted on the Axe. After reaching 0 FP i wanted to craft the other Axe and noticed it already had 0 FP and the mods of the Axe I crafted.

Glad someone else plated this already. I can confirm this Bug. This makes the dupmication of items useless as you cannot try another crafting on the same item once the first one bricked.

Workaround until it’s fixed:
If you relog after getting duplicate items from vault, they are no longer “linked” and you can craft them individually.

We have a fix for this internally which will be released in a future hotfix, thanks for the report!

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This is fixed in 0.8.5b, thanks.

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