Items drop only at the end

Hi Travelers,

I was wondering how many of you will prefer to have all the items of the echo/monolith at the end.

We already have a chest reward system, why not put all the items + the bonus at the opening of the chest?? With the new filter system, it will be perfect.

Also, I think all crafting materials should be auto drops into the crafting stash.

Let me know what you think.



I think it will have a lot to do with promoting a certain playstyle. EHG has said several times that they don’t want people just zipping through the maps as fast as possible. I think keeping loot drops at the kill site promotes players slowing down through the levels.

that’s unfortunate because DoT builds get penalize. Most of the mobs will die off-screen. Are we supposed to run back and pick up items or run around like a headless chicken?


This is a very recent thread that addresses similar thoughts/feelings. Its one of two active that I can think of at this time. You might consider perusing it and the other thread which is linked by Heavy to get a sense for what people think/are discussing on the subject.

This is one of those areas where dev goals and player desires clash. There’s a few of those with this game and it seems like it’s either going to be an eternal conflict (like certain features in PoE) or will undermine the longevity of the game. Neither seems all that acceptable when it’s totally avoidable.

I believe that there are currents in the universe. Eddies and tides that pull us one way or the other. Some we have to fight, some we have to embrace. Unfortunately, the currents that we have to fight look exactly like the currents we have to embrace. The currents that we think are gonna make us stronger they’re the ones that are going to destroy us, and the ones we think are going to destroy us they’re the ones that are going to make us stronger.

You are feeling really esoteric this morning Dad… Did that meditation trick work or did someone spike your favourite toothpaste?


No, I’m always like this. Just sometimes it doesn’t get a hall pass to be let outside my head.

I don’t think I’ll be rushing into the currents of alcoholism, drug abuse, violent crime… thanks, but no thanks. :wink:

For me I would not like to see “all” the drops from the map stored in the chest along with what already drops from there. The reason is that even with what drops there is sometimes not enough room for what there is so that some items end up off the right side of the map and very hard to get.

For the OP’s suggestion, Nope, no sir don’t like it. An example of that is in PoE delve. The number of item drops causes a shadow for each item tanking your FPS into negative territory. Then you cannot see what is there and then what’s the point of grab and go.

How about: the gambler can be paid to auto collect your loot, but he takes a tax of gold and items (1K gold + 1 unique + 1 affix shard to run a whole area with auto collect). This way if you like auto collecting, it’s available, if you don’t like it you get benefit for not using it.

How about a tax for NOT using it, double the suggested rates?

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