Item Label: Textless, Unclickable

What were you doing at the time?
Killing monsters, a Unique item dropped. Unlike the usual empty blank text label that sometimes happens with lootfiltered items, the text label was tiny in size and unclickable. Hiding and showing tooltips allowed the label to be displayed and interacted properly. The item was a Grimoire of Necrotic Elixirs.

How consistently does this happen?
This was the first time it had happened.

Operating System: Windows 10


Player.log (3.0 MB)

Did you have ground items disabled at the time the item dropped?

Ground items were not disabled at the time.

Gotcha, we’re tracking this issue internally. Thanks for the report!

I brain farted, i did have a VOD and should have just clipped it for you in the first place. This should be clearer to understand what happened.

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