Item Gifting Development Update from our Principal Game Designer

That’s because they’re dead set that trade means all transactions take place with RMT currency/items, and bought by people that have zero desire to play the game theyre spending money on. Because trade = peepul naut plaing teh gaime.

Hell, I’m old enough to remember when we couldn’t get runes automatically being added to the rune storage because people might want to use them in trade. But hey. I guess somewhere along the line, someone convinced them that trade ruins games.

No, player frustration and lack of content ruin games. Not trade.


Well, it drives away the people, who want to actually achieve things in the game, when people can just buy their power.

No, because having any trade functionality at all will open the doors for RMT, not because everything will be RMT. It is an undesirable and inevitable consequence of trade.

And just having the game online opens the doors for cheating, botting and item duping. As I’ve said before, how far down the what-if, boogeyman rabbit hole do you want to travel? Multiplayer and grouping opens the doors for RMT carries and farming.

What’s your point, exactly? That we should restrict everything that has a possibility of quoteunquote bad things happening?

The funny thing about this whole RMT hysteria is that it’s not even the reasoning given for not having trade in the first place. It’s the excitement about finding loot yourself and not relying on trade. But, that actually removes the inherent excitement of finding loot in the first place. Rare, common? It doesn’t matter, unless it’s the piece(s) you are looking for. I felt zero thrill when I randomly found a pretty damn rare Helm of the Scurry. Why? I had zero use for it. I had no interest in playing a squirrel build, and it had(has) no value else where. Can’t even vendor it for any worthwhile amount of gold. So that just means that unless I’m actively looking for a specific drop, or planning for a future build, all drops have the same value to me — 500 gold.


I don’t know if you’re just new to games which have trading options or just naive or whatever, all of which aren’t bad things btw.

All open trade nerfs SSF.


Except the exceptions. Plus, I don’t care about anything on your list, because none of them affect my experience in the game. Open Trading does. So, F that thing in particular. EHG can deal with your list.

If you’re playing a SSF league/server that allows trade… (spoiler alert) you aren’t playing in a SSF league/server.

And, if you’re playing as SSF, and you engage in trade… (once again, spoiler alert) you aren’t playing SSF.

That doesn’t exist in LE. And it still affects SSF drop rates.

Say you’re being purposely obtuse, without saying you’re being purposely obtuse.

…yet. We don’t even have MP servers outside the testing environments. derp de derp

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you know we have the technology to manipulate those darned drop rates on a league-by-league/server-by-server basis, right? Or do you not understand how coding works?

Oooooooor, is it that you’re just afraid of a little bit of repetitive farming to get those precious drops, the same ones you so staunchly demand should give you a galactic-level orgasm when finding on your own? Snowflake much?

It’s just fscking hilarious that the very same people demanding everyone be forced to grind repetitive farms for item drops, are now so afraid of doing that exact thing. Oh noes, item drops might be a little more rare!!!111!!!shiftone!!1111!!! hides head under pillow

If a little bit of farming, and bad drop rates aren’t your cup of tea, maybe the genre isn’t for you? (sound familiar)

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Yeah, you’d think that with all the complaining about “daed gaeme” & “I’m an uber-leet gaemerer who spends the GDP of a small country on gaemering every month” that there would have been a bit more of a response when the devs actually took away the ability to play the game from Mac owners (despite Mac support being on the kickstarter) rather than “just” made a decision regarding their current implementation of trade (& I personally think that that’s going to change when they can figure out a way to do it without ####ing over the drop rates). But apparently there are a lot more people who care about trade (free or otherwise) than Mac players.

They never said there was going to be no trade, just that they didn’t think the Bazaar would cut it.

There wasn’t a no trade “backlash” after they cancelled the Bazaar.

And that’s absolutely fair. I don’t blame people for being angry when a feature that’s important to them is effectively removed & the messaging could have been done better.

I agree, trade is (apparently) even more polarising than gender-locked characters. Though I’d also argue that the Mac thing would have been more so if a)there were more Mac players & b)PC players gave a #### about them.

That would likely require a big change to how loot sharing is handled given it’s all currently based around nobody being able to see anyone else’s drops. I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a big change.

Because it’s generally frowned upon unless you subscribe to the “monetise the #### out of your whales” strategy of game design. But if you went in that direction, why would you ever want the dirty peons (ie, the rest of us) to be able to get nice loot?

I can name one at least. But it’ll get cheap-shotted so I’ll just say there’s been at least one. And it was the only one where it was just announced and there COULDN’T be any debate about it. You either accepted it or not. At least this current one still allows for a LOT of debate.

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Yeah but EHG didn’t change their mind about a MAC version out of the blue or because they changed their mind for whatever rerason. A big chunk of the problem with MAC was coming from MAC changing. Afaik everything they made for the MAC version was unusable afterwards but I have no Idea about MAC so this might or might not be true. I wouldn’t care if they develop 2 more years for a MAC version shrug.

I don’t see the drops of other people in D3 as well… just to make one example. I’m pretty sure it will be a big change because everything related to MP seems to be a very big timeconsuming change. That’s maybe to much work just to skip the gift ui and make use of the lootfilter and have a faster time identifying items.

So what you say is there isn’t one just with more words?

No, pretty sure he was referring to dropping the Mac that I mentioned (which you dismissed).

Depends on tour point of view on that. They could have decided to upgrade to a version of Unity that would still run on the Mac (or, I would assume, be more easily converted, there were definitely some comments about later versions being compatible) but they “changed their mind” on Mac support. But nobody gives a #### 'cause the vast majority of people here are pc master race gamers.

Which it did.

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If this is all that it takes and it isn’t combined with a ton of work or paying a ton of money for the upgrade then shame on EHG and I stand corrected. Then again they offered a refund for MAC users iirc: I haven’t watched this topic closely because I only used a MAC every now and then but never for gaming.

They offer a refund for people who dislike their trading approach as well as it seems so if they don’t come with something usefull people who dislike their trade approach can leave and never have to look back what is another fair thing to do.

As I said if it’s that easy and they just need to upgrade unity and that’s it then shame on EHG but I can’t imagine something MAC related to be that easy but that’s just uneducated me.

Thought about asking you what “open” trade is in your opinion, but I don’t think there will ever be any constructive discussion with you. :wink:

If you don’t have anything to add, why reply at all?
This is not feedback nor is it helpful to anyone. We can do without insults here.

Yea, I dont get it. Grinding is grinding. I played endlessly a league ago for an omni. Fought exarach at least 20 times going thru the natural process of getting to the fight. I had all types of cool shit drop, 100+ divines worth, but never the omni. I finally called it quits, transferred to trade, and bought my damn item…even had 40 div left over.

Anybody who can find even the smallest game breaking, cheating, unethical behavior in that scenario, Id say you done lost your damn mind,



Mainly because I can. :wink: Why did you reply to my post? Are you mad?
You can try and make me stop, but I don’t care about you, sorry.
Besides that I provided more than enough suggestions unlike some other people here.

If you would have to delay the release to introduce a working trade platform, you should do it imo. Without proper trading, this game is practically dead on arrival for a bigger audience and will become irrelevant in the blink of an eye. This isnt even meant to be toxic, i just say this because i do actually care about this game.

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